My part was supposed to be delivered to me according to the seller having my correct address. The tracking number does not indicate the address Billie Harris used in creating the shipping label or I would have the part since it was delivered. My package apparently was delivered to the wrong address. This is likely a scheme whereby a local address of a cohort can be used to recollect parts of people who Billie Harris intends to rip off. Good thing I got a PayPal account! Reviews
My part was supposed to be delivered to me according to the seller having my correct address. The tracking number does not indicate the address Billie Harris used in creating the shipping label or I would have the part since it was delivered. My package apparently was delivered to the wrong address. This is likely a scheme whereby a local address of a cohort can be used to recollect parts of people who Billie Harris intends to rip off. Good thing I got a PayPal account!