Sells poor quality equiment that smells of burning wires on day 62 gives 1 year warenty but will not honor on 3 rd exchange blocks you from buying any more after 2 returns. sells poor quality equiment i think he sents a fry signal via update to damage the box or a virus to damage it. find it strange all 3 boxes went out then my 4th one about the same amount of days. I am feeling cheated this equiment has to be resetted 50 plus times to read the hard drive again or the usb ports. this stuff he sells is trash stay clear away. he begs you to remove bad feedback for exchange them back stabs you by destroying the box via the net.
sells fta sat recevers by the brand name of x-square
has a website called
the boxes all stop working 1st the wifi doggle quits in 32 days then the box will not read any usb by day 35 by day 62 you have no signal at the box and smell burning wires. every box i bought burned up after 62 days with a 1 year warenty. I cant get a refund when you leave negitive feedback on ebay it shuts your iptv off. shortly after that the box just goes out 30 so odd days after that. find it off the that all 4 boxes quit the same time. honstly think the man sent signal thur the net to fry them out. cant prove it. but i feel cheated eather way.
Sells poor quality equiment that smells of burning wires on day 62 gives 1 year warenty but will not honor on 3 rd exchange blocks you from buying any more after 2 returns. sells poor quality equiment i think he sents a fry signal via update to damage the box or a virus to damage it. find it strange all 3 boxes went out then my 4th one about the same amount of days. I am feeling cheated this equiment has to be resetted 50 plus times to read the hard drive again or the usb ports. this stuff he sells is trash stay clear away. he begs you to remove bad feedback for exchange them back stabs you by destroying the box via the net.
sells fta sat recevers by the brand name of x-square
has a website called
the boxes all stop working 1st the wifi doggle quits in 32 days then the box will not read any usb by day 35 by day 62 you have no signal at the box and smell burning wires. every box i bought burned up after 62 days with a 1 year warenty. I cant get a refund when you leave negitive feedback on ebay it shuts your iptv off. shortly after that the box just goes out 30 so odd days after that. find it off the that all 4 boxes quit the same time. honstly think the man sent signal thur the net to fry them out. cant prove it. but i feel cheated eather way.