I purchased clothing items from Linsets online and was very excited when I received the tracking information and was able to follow the shipping information on my purchase. A few days later while on YouTube, I saw an ad for Worthying for some leather handbags on clearance sale. I liked what I saw and placed an order. They also sent me the link for tracking my package, both orders referred me to 17Track (https://www.17track.net/en).
Thirty-six days later I received my package from Linsets and about 35 days after placing my order from Worthying. In each case, I received a very inexpensive ring instead of my orders from Tevin James in California.
I contacted Linsets and their initial response was that they sent the ring as a gift to verify that the address I gave for shipping was correct. I have gotten various responses from them including them saying they would send me a partial refund which I declined. When I received the second ring, I was furious! I contacted Worthying and they told me that maybe I gave the wrong address and they would check on my order...
After receiving the 2 rings from California and doing some research on my end, I realized that these were the same companies, and by the time the tracking report showed a transfer/pickup in California, Tevin James actually to the representative in California that ships the fake orders.
This is intentional fraud being committed against American citizens and I know that I am not the only victim, and no matter how long it takes, I am committed to doing what I can to put an end to this fraud.
Worthying Reviews
I purchased clothing items from Linsets online and was very excited when I received the tracking information and was able to follow the shipping information on my purchase. A few days later while on YouTube, I saw an ad for Worthying for some leather handbags on clearance sale. I liked what I saw and placed an order. They also sent me the link for tracking my package, both orders referred me to 17Track (https://www.17track.net/en).
Thirty-six days later I received my package from Linsets and about 35 days after placing my order from Worthying. In each case, I received a very inexpensive ring instead of my orders from Tevin James in California.
I contacted Linsets and their initial response was that they sent the ring as a gift to verify that the address I gave for shipping was correct. I have gotten various responses from them including them saying they would send me a partial refund which I declined. When I received the second ring, I was furious! I contacted Worthying and they told me that maybe I gave the wrong address and they would check on my order...
After receiving the 2 rings from California and doing some research on my end, I realized that these were the same companies, and by the time the tracking report showed a transfer/pickup in California, Tevin James actually to the representative in California that ships the fake orders.
This is intentional fraud being committed against American citizens and I know that I am not the only victim, and no matter how long it takes, I am committed to doing what I can to put an end to this fraud.