William Powell is an annoying textbook definition of a liar and a bully. He lied about being able to repair cars and presented us with a certificate (we later found out was falsified) that said he was a newly certified mechanic. Powell attempted an oil change on a 2002 Ford Mustang and simply could not do it himself. He had to ask for help every step of the way and it raised our suspicions. Long story short he was outed as a liar and a fraud. He had printed that fake certificate only 2 hours earlier at the Franklin County Library in Rocky Mt. When confronted with evidence of being a fraud Powell pushed a 73 year old man into a wall and threatened to hurt him. Powell was smacked twice in the face by a 27 year old real mechanic. After being smacked twice by this real mechanic Powell retreated and began crying in his car, which we were told he was illegally driving. William Powell is to be ignored by women who respect themselves and is to be viewed with suspicion by potential employers.
He is a bully but is a punk when it comes down to actually getting in a fight. He may present false credentials and treats other people as if they are beneath him. He is a piece of garbage in my opinion and the opinion of many others who live in Virginia. Particuarly Rocky Mount and Roanoke areas.
William Powell Reviews
William Powell is an annoying textbook definition of a liar and a bully. He lied about being able to repair cars and presented us with a certificate (we later found out was falsified) that said he was a newly certified mechanic. Powell attempted an oil change on a 2002 Ford Mustang and simply could not do it himself. He had to ask for help every step of the way and it raised our suspicions. Long story short he was outed as a liar and a fraud. He had printed that fake certificate only 2 hours earlier at the Franklin County Library in Rocky Mt. When confronted with evidence of being a fraud Powell pushed a 73 year old man into a wall and threatened to hurt him. Powell was smacked twice in the face by a 27 year old real mechanic. After being smacked twice by this real mechanic Powell retreated and began crying in his car, which we were told he was illegally driving. William Powell is to be ignored by women who respect themselves and is to be viewed with suspicion by potential employers.
He is a bully but is a punk when it comes down to actually getting in a fight. He may present false credentials and treats other people as if they are beneath him. He is a piece of garbage in my opinion and the opinion of many others who live in Virginia. Particuarly Rocky Mount and Roanoke areas.