Are you a California Licensed Structural Engineer? Do you have an ICC certification for California Buildings Plans Examiner in the state of California? Have you ever wanted to keep looking for work in as little as 12 months? Ever wanted to experience that crooked car salesman feel in your structural engineering career? Well, you can experience that and more by working at West Coast Code Consultants.
At West Coast Code Consultants, you will not ever get to feel like an employee. In fact, you will feel and actually be expendable! That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will dismiss you from your job there and he will not even give you a legitimate reason. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will call it just business! Or at we like to call it, changing the scenery! That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne believes everyone is guilty until proven innocent! And he claims to be a U.S. citizen, yet his actions indicate he is not one at all!
And in case you don’t know this, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s black! And that means if you are a Caucasian employee, expect to be dismissed for no legitimate reason whatever. In fact, you will be treated worse that a convict in a prison because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will not even be given chance to defend yourself against his unlawful actions. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will not even tell you there is a problem until it is too late. That’s because money is his wallet is much more important that seismic safety. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the main reason people across the U.S. do not believe black lives matter any longer.
In West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s sick and twisted mind, “employment-at-will” means being fired for doing your job. The things you did do that you can be fired for include enforcing seismic safety standards as required per by California State law because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne does not want you to, like making sure concrete shear walls have required shear friction connections to the floor slabs in a parking garage. Let's call “employment-at-will” for what it really is: an excuse for bad managers to fire hard-working people for no legitimate reason. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne's turn-ons apparently include scapegoats, things that are shiny, and changing out employees like he changes his underwear.
And speaking of cheap, did you know that West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s so cheap he will not give employees laptops to do their jobs or even provide business cards for his employees? Do you know why West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne does this? It’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne plans on dismissing is employees with a blink of an eye later. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne loves committing career genocide on employees who make his wallet feel inferior!
If you enforce seismic safety standards, you will be fired because the Chief Building Official at the municipality you are working for have you fired for enforcing the California Building Code. That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne takes the advice of unqualified individuals over the person actually doing the work. In fact, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne never even does his homework before firing his employees. This black-hole believes someone with no engineering licensure or background over one of his qualified employees . That’s right, folks! West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne loves throwing his employees under the bus, especially when they lose money for his company. Think of Giyan to be like dictator Charles Taylor of Liberia! Even better yet, think of him as Giyan Noonien Singh because he is sadistic, immoral, and will not hesitate to destroy his employees to keep his salary expenses low. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants his employees to be like Stevie Wonder on a hunting trip - Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants them to miss everything!
In fact, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne was upset that houses with no framing (gravity and lateral) whatsoever were not permitted because one of his employees refused to do so. That’s because Giyan is more like a Jim Jones disciple where everyone drinks from the same Kool-Aid, the kind that makes people feel inferior. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne makes waiters feel superior with his engineering hijinks!
Giyan is one sick b******. If you report West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne for ignoring safety rules, he will blackball you from even working as a Structural Engineer or a Plan Review Engineer ever in your life. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne even tells fired engineers that they are better as stay-at-home dads collecting welfare and unemployment insurance than being a productive member of society. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne really wants to be surrounded by frickin’ idiots unlike Dr. Evil! Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the member of a most pitiful species!
West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne can keep saying everyone wants to work for him, but after hearing how despicable this imperfect life-form treats his employees for doing their jobs, why would anyone even bother to work for him? Here’s the short of it, they won’t!
What is third-party plan check? It is a sick and twisted way of reviewing only parts of a building that West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants reviewed. Don’t be surprised if West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne approves buildings with no gravity or lateral systems. If you are a municipality that uses third-party plan reviewer, get a second-opinion immediately! Use someone else!
Does West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne take bribes? Based on the encounters of one of his employees, he may! Why else would he call his employees to his conference room and yell at them for being too “structural strict”? Guess West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the member of a Seismic Death Cult!
West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne's crooked ways date further back to the time he owned LP2A. LP2A was a company that did plan review services for municipalities. They were bought by Bureau Veritas. And do you know why West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne no longer works for Bureau Veritas? It’s because we believe he was caught firing employees for no legitimate reason. In fact, one of the LP2A’s original principals who was allegedly widely known for laying off hundreds of people for no legitimate reason.
West Coast Code Consultants Reviews
Are you a California Licensed Structural Engineer? Do you have an ICC certification for California Buildings Plans Examiner in the state of California? Have you ever wanted to keep looking for work in as little as 12 months? Ever wanted to experience that crooked car salesman feel in your structural engineering career? Well, you can experience that and more by working at West Coast Code Consultants.
At West Coast Code Consultants, you will not ever get to feel like an employee. In fact, you will feel and actually be expendable! That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will dismiss you from your job there and he will not even give you a legitimate reason. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will call it just business! Or at we like to call it, changing the scenery! That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne believes everyone is guilty until proven innocent! And he claims to be a U.S. citizen, yet his actions indicate he is not one at all!
And in case you don’t know this, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s black! And that means if you are a Caucasian employee, expect to be dismissed for no legitimate reason whatever. In fact, you will be treated worse that a convict in a prison because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will not even be given chance to defend yourself against his unlawful actions. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne will not even tell you there is a problem until it is too late. That’s because money is his wallet is much more important that seismic safety. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the main reason people across the U.S. do not believe black lives matter any longer.
In West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s sick and twisted mind, “employment-at-will” means being fired for doing your job. The things you did do that you can be fired for include enforcing seismic safety standards as required per by California State law because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne does not want you to, like making sure concrete shear walls have required shear friction connections to the floor slabs in a parking garage. Let's call “employment-at-will” for what it really is: an excuse for bad managers to fire hard-working people for no legitimate reason. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne's turn-ons apparently include scapegoats, things that are shiny, and changing out employees like he changes his underwear.
And speaking of cheap, did you know that West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne’s so cheap he will not give employees laptops to do their jobs or even provide business cards for his employees? Do you know why West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne does this? It’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne plans on dismissing is employees with a blink of an eye later. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne loves committing career genocide on employees who make his wallet feel inferior!
If you enforce seismic safety standards, you will be fired because the Chief Building Official at the municipality you are working for have you fired for enforcing the California Building Code. That’s because West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne takes the advice of unqualified individuals over the person actually doing the work. In fact, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne never even does his homework before firing his employees. This black-hole believes someone with no engineering licensure or background over one of his qualified employees . That’s right, folks! West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne loves throwing his employees under the bus, especially when they lose money for his company. Think of Giyan to be like dictator Charles Taylor of Liberia! Even better yet, think of him as Giyan Noonien Singh because he is sadistic, immoral, and will not hesitate to destroy his employees to keep his salary expenses low. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants his employees to be like Stevie Wonder on a hunting trip - Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants them to miss everything!
In fact, West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne was upset that houses with no framing (gravity and lateral) whatsoever were not permitted because one of his employees refused to do so. That’s because Giyan is more like a Jim Jones disciple where everyone drinks from the same Kool-Aid, the kind that makes people feel inferior. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne makes waiters feel superior with his engineering hijinks!
Giyan is one sick b******. If you report West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne for ignoring safety rules, he will blackball you from even working as a Structural Engineer or a Plan Review Engineer ever in your life. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne even tells fired engineers that they are better as stay-at-home dads collecting welfare and unemployment insurance than being a productive member of society. West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne really wants to be surrounded by frickin’ idiots unlike Dr. Evil! Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the member of a most pitiful species!
West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne can keep saying everyone wants to work for him, but after hearing how despicable this imperfect life-form treats his employees for doing their jobs, why would anyone even bother to work for him? Here’s the short of it, they won’t!
What is third-party plan check? It is a sick and twisted way of reviewing only parts of a building that West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne wants reviewed. Don’t be surprised if West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne approves buildings with no gravity or lateral systems. If you are a municipality that uses third-party plan reviewer, get a second-opinion immediately! Use someone else!
Does West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne take bribes? Based on the encounters of one of his employees, he may! Why else would he call his employees to his conference room and yell at them for being too “structural strict”? Guess West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne is the member of a Seismic Death Cult!
West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne's crooked ways date further back to the time he owned LP2A. LP2A was a company that did plan review services for municipalities. They were bought by Bureau Veritas. And do you know why West Coast Code Consultants owner and Liberian dictator Charles Taylor disciple Giyan Senaratne no longer works for Bureau Veritas? It’s because we believe he was caught firing employees for no legitimate reason. In fact, one of the LP2A’s original principals who was allegedly widely known for laying off hundreds of people for no legitimate reason.