In the last month this individual has posted a webdesign service The company has no tax id, physical address and only one individual answers and makes calls for the company. Several businesses that appear on cragslist have been contacted by this person calling himself "mark". There are no reports of any services actually being sold by the company.
The person making the calls will harass victims by continuing to call them after they have requested to not be called. The person making the calls is also using an auto diling service that provides him additional numbers to call from if the original number he uses is ever blocked.
When confronting this person over text, they distributed to me a portion of their auto dialier phone number list and a portion of their list of businesses that they have collected from craigslist to harass and make calls to.
Several of the businesses have been repeatedly called and harassed. Including my own non profit, a 501c3 which appears on open corporates under the company number: r069298. There have been other individuals making calls for but all of the direct line calls and returns have been the same individual.
No one has yet found a direct address or identity of the person operating this scam. Many people are being harassed and contacted after asking to not be contacted.
The individual operating the scam is also creating defamatory and felsefied complaints against the businesses that he harasses. Several of these falsefied reports apprear on google listings and the website.
I am organizing other victims to file a joint complaint for violations of ftc statutes, defamation, terroristic threats and interstate communications statutes.
We Build Local Reviews
In the last month this individual has posted a webdesign service The company has no tax id, physical address and only one individual answers and makes calls for the company. Several businesses that appear on cragslist have been contacted by this person calling himself "mark". There are no reports of any services actually being sold by the company.
The person making the calls will harass victims by continuing to call them after they have requested to not be called. The person making the calls is also using an auto diling service that provides him additional numbers to call from if the original number he uses is ever blocked.
When confronting this person over text, they distributed to me a portion of their auto dialier phone number list and a portion of their list of businesses that they have collected from craigslist to harass and make calls to.
Several of the businesses have been repeatedly called and harassed. Including my own non profit, a 501c3 which appears on open corporates under the company number: r069298. There have been other individuals making calls for but all of the direct line calls and returns have been the same individual.
No one has yet found a direct address or identity of the person operating this scam. Many people are being harassed and contacted after asking to not be contacted.
The individual operating the scam is also creating defamatory and felsefied complaints against the businesses that he harasses. Several of these falsefied reports apprear on google listings and the website.
I am organizing other victims to file a joint complaint for violations of ftc statutes, defamation, terroristic threats and interstate communications statutes.