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WaterWorks Corporation Reviews
Actual water usage = $4.78, yet my first monthly bill from WaterWatch is $25.63.
I have contacted the village where I live and received information on how the apt. complex is
charged for water and sewer.
$3.20 per 1000 gals. of water. If usage is 15, 450, the charge is for 15,000 gals. If 15,650, the charge is for 16,000 gals.
My estimated usage was 1430 gals, and I was charged for 1430 gals.
Sewer - the Village includes the sewer charges in the yearly property tax bill which equals $270.00. There is no monthly
charge to the complex.
However, each resident is charged a monthly sewer usage charge and a flat rate sewer charge.
For a 30 day bill the flat rate is $12.80 X 24 apts. = $307.20 x 12 months = $3686.40! In other words, the tenants
are paying a large portion of the complex's property tax bill.
Admin fees - WaterWatch charges a $5.28 admin fee per resident, a $5.00 'account set up fee' for new residents,
and a $0.50 'meter read' fee, on an estimated bill, no less!
This is what happens when private corporations take over public services...the residents pay and pay and pay while
the corporation does the dracula act, sucking the residents dry. No oversight, no regulations...they get to charge
whatever they want and get away with it.
I will be turning to the County District Attorney and the Attorney general of NYS for help with this corporate greed.