He advertises himself all over Craigslist with a very attractive ads. He has sweetest talk to lure you into the loop that he set up. He claimed he had an office which turned out it is just a mail box that he rented to do scamming. He would give you a lower price and agreed with everything you asked for. He had another guy who he claimed as his financial person to sign and received the money. then he brought the guy to the bank and cash the money and took all to him. He then disappeared on us.
He became less and less responsive to your contacts and he blocked our numbers a few days later. We borrowed someone else phone to make a call, he picked up right away. We can't sue him because we do not know his physical address. Be careful with this person. He advertised himself as honest, reliable, and all the nicest words in the world. We were so naive to believe him. He did not only took our money, but also two months of project delay, and tremendous amount of stress. I post this report in hope that it can help others to not fall in this trap With Victor Ross.
Victor Ross General Contractor Reviews
He advertises himself all over Craigslist with a very attractive ads. He has sweetest talk to lure you into the loop that he set up. He claimed he had an office which turned out it is just a mail box that he rented to do scamming. He would give you a lower price and agreed with everything you asked for. He had another guy who he claimed as his financial person to sign and received the money. then he brought the guy to the bank and cash the money and took all to him. He then disappeared on us.
He became less and less responsive to your contacts and he blocked our numbers a few days later. We borrowed someone else phone to make a call, he picked up right away. We can't sue him because we do not know his physical address. Be careful with this person. He advertised himself as honest, reliable, and all the nicest words in the world. We were so naive to believe him. He did not only took our money, but also two months of project delay, and tremendous amount of stress. I post this report in hope that it can help others to not fall in this trap With Victor Ross.