Vibrant rejuvenation advertises itserlf as a medical office offering the latest in injections like botox and fillers yet the injector is an RN injecting after taking a simple class. I went to make an appointment and left after finding out 3 major facts about her and vibrant rejuvenation.
First her botox and fillers comes from outside the country which is not legal.
Second she basically has no experience and I doubt she will have the knowledge to help you if a problem happens and as an RN she cant. I wondered why I would want to have a injection with someone as poorly trained as natasha copelin RN MSN and then thirs I was stunned to see Mrs Scar lip in the same office Auora Pandolfo and George hiding in the same location. If you dont remember look up laser clinique, better image laser . They were closed by the state at least 5 times now they team up with natasha copelin RN.
I would not trust any of these people wit my face of a*s for that matter. I already notified the state and hope they will take action asap.
Vibrant Rejuvenation Reviews
Vibrant rejuvenation advertises itserlf as a medical office offering the latest in injections like botox and fillers yet the injector is an RN injecting after taking a simple class. I went to make an appointment and left after finding out 3 major facts about her and vibrant rejuvenation.
First her botox and fillers comes from outside the country which is not legal.
Second she basically has no experience and I doubt she will have the knowledge to help you if a problem happens and as an RN she cant. I wondered why I would want to have a injection with someone as poorly trained as natasha copelin RN MSN and then thirs I was stunned to see Mrs Scar lip in the same office Auora Pandolfo and George hiding in the same location. If you dont remember look up laser clinique, better image laser . They were closed by the state at least 5 times now they team up with natasha copelin RN.
I would not trust any of these people wit my face of a*s for that matter. I already notified the state and hope they will take action asap.