This company will send you to collections for bills they don't even send you, and then charge you fees. It's a scam, and they should be shut down for these types of practices.
Do not go to this veterinary medical center believing your pet will be receiving the very best of care and attention. Most of the veterinarians on ER duty appear right out of veterinary school. The established veterinarians, such as Dr. Brooke Hutt and Dr. Sean Hillock are not forthcoming and show little to no concern about how you are personally feeling while your pet is in their care.
ER vet Dr. Brooke Hutt told me that my dog would be in the hospital four days, but the other vet Dr. Sean Hillock prematurely discharged him only after a 3-day stay. My dog relapsed 48 hours after his being discharged and was readmitted to VMCLI. He died while under VMCLI's care. All I got from VMCLI was heartache and a large medical bill.
Do not go to this veterinary medical center believing your pet will be receiving the very best of care and attention. Most of the veterinarians on ER duty appear right out of veterinary school. The established veterinarians are not forthcoming and show little to no concern about how you are personally feeling while your pet is in their care.
One ER vet told me that my dog would be in the hospital four days, but they discharged him only after a 3-day stay. He relapsed 48 hrs after his being discharged and was readmitted to VMCLI. He died while under VMCLI's care. All I got from VMCLI was heartache and a large medical bill.
Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island Reviews
This company will send you to collections for bills they don't even send you, and then charge you fees. It's a scam, and they should be shut down for these types of practices.
Do not go to this veterinary medical center believing your pet will be receiving the very best of care and attention. Most of the veterinarians on ER duty appear right out of veterinary school. The established veterinarians, such as Dr. Brooke Hutt and Dr. Sean Hillock are not forthcoming and show little to no concern about how you are personally feeling while your pet is in their care.
ER vet Dr. Brooke Hutt told me that my dog would be in the hospital four days, but the other vet Dr. Sean Hillock prematurely discharged him only after a 3-day stay. My dog relapsed 48 hours after his being discharged and was readmitted to VMCLI. He died while under VMCLI's care. All I got from VMCLI was heartache and a large medical bill.
Do not go to this veterinary medical center believing your pet will be receiving the very best of care and attention. Most of the veterinarians on ER duty appear right out of veterinary school. The established veterinarians are not forthcoming and show little to no concern about how you are personally feeling while your pet is in their care.
One ER vet told me that my dog would be in the hospital four days, but they discharged him only after a 3-day stay. He relapsed 48 hrs after his being discharged and was readmitted to VMCLI. He died while under VMCLI's care. All I got from VMCLI was heartache and a large medical bill.