Freedom of speech is a fundamental part of our society. If you don’t like it too bad. Vesna Hrvatin Yourkin Mase horrible false accusations against her father in law last year. Vesna lived in subsidized housing her entire life, but Walter Yourkin offered to buy a house and it’s in both Walters name and his son Eldon Yourkin. It is 50/50.
Nobody has to ask Vesna or Eldon to visit Walter in his own home. Vesna wanted to leave so she accused 85 year old Walter of being in love with her. LMFAO. Nobody would touch you with a 10 foot pole. Because of these fake allegations Vesna and and her mentally handicapped son Alexander Yourkin were granted emergency subsided housing in Peterborough.
I just heard it through the grapevine. Vesna is a pathological liar and troublemaker, causing endless issues with everyone she encounters for decades. Beware this liar, snake and pathetic manipulator.
Vesna Yourkin Hrvatin Reviews
Freedom of speech is a fundamental part of our society. If you don’t like it too bad. Vesna Hrvatin Yourkin Mase horrible false accusations against her father in law last year. Vesna lived in subsidized housing her entire life, but Walter Yourkin offered to buy a house and it’s in both Walters name and his son Eldon Yourkin. It is 50/50.
Nobody has to ask Vesna or Eldon to visit Walter in his own home. Vesna wanted to leave so she accused 85 year old Walter of being in love with her. LMFAO. Nobody would touch you with a 10 foot pole. Because of these fake allegations Vesna and and her mentally handicapped son Alexander Yourkin were granted emergency subsided housing in Peterborough.
I just heard it through the grapevine. Vesna is a pathological liar and troublemaker, causing endless issues with everyone she encounters for decades. Beware this liar, snake and pathetic manipulator.