Gary Owen First off I seen your ad on Craigslist saying that he could get you approved for a house with 1% down should have knew it was a joke. I filled out a loan application he sent a pre-approval letter that said we was ready to purchase a house. The stipulations of the pre-approval is they needed 350 up front for the appraisal. Scam scam scam... That's where we located a house we wanted to buy this guy started to be in response to phone calls...
We went through the whole process earnest money down Title Company Etc. No one was available at this company for conversation are for replies... Basically what this guy does is gives you a pre-approval make you think it's a normal Finance you sent in 350 for the appraisal and then a couple days later he falls off the face of the Earth.. Trust me find a local lender they can be verified don't be scammed by this internet clown.. Gary Owen us Equity Finance scam Internet
US Equity Reviews
Gary Owen First off I seen your ad on Craigslist saying that he could get you approved for a house with 1% down should have knew it was a joke. I filled out a loan application he sent a pre-approval letter that said we was ready to purchase a house. The stipulations of the pre-approval is they needed 350 up front for the appraisal. Scam scam scam... That's where we located a house we wanted to buy this guy started to be in response to phone calls...
We went through the whole process earnest money down Title Company Etc. No one was available at this company for conversation are for replies... Basically what this guy does is gives you a pre-approval make you think it's a normal Finance you sent in 350 for the appraisal and then a couple days later he falls off the face of the Earth.. Trust me find a local lender they can be verified don't be scammed by this internet clown.. Gary Owen us Equity Finance scam Internet