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United States Postal Service

Country United States
State Indiana
City Huntington
Address 330 W Market St
Phone 260-356-0920

United States Postal Service Reviews

  • Sep 3, 2015

Little did I know that as I watched the mailman walk past my home on August 31, 2015 that it would lead to me gaining a totally different perspective on the way things are being done through the post office. At this time I do not know if this deception is through only my local branch or if it extends nationwide. What I do know is that I am concerned.

On August 31, 2015 I just kinda strugged at the fact that I wasn't receiving mail today after I had waited about ten minutes or so for mail delivery; prior I had observed the mail truck arrive on my street and park at it's usual spot. Nothing uncommon about going a day without a piece of mail right; then too yay no bills for me today.

A couple of weeks prior to today I had taken to writing a letter to the Consumer Advocate department in Washington DC as a result of an accummulation of issues with the local post office. I decided to phone the USPS hotline for two reasons. First I wanted to find out if I should expect a response to my letter; i.e. response time etc. Next I wanted to report that a package I was expecting to receive was showing as "delivered" on this very day; the same day that I had watched the guy walk pass my home without leaving not one piece of mailing. How could this be?

As a result the representative that I spoke with after a forty minute hold time; informed me that I would recieve a response within thirty days of the date they received my letter and in addition he issued me a case number in regards to the delivered but missing package.

The following day I checked my mailbox two hours earlier than the usual mail delivery time because I am aware that the local post office delivers packages earlier in the day than regular envelope mailings. Sure enough my box was filled with packages. Feeling apprehensive I removed the packages, took them inside, and took pictures of my clock as well as about five to seven packages; some were for other residents within my home. Letter mailings had also been included within the delivery.

Upon examining the packages I noticed a second package that had been sent to me via priority also. Out of curiosity I used the USPS tracking website to observe it's "expected" delivery date and well it was also showing as if it had been delievered the previous day. The other packages were all from places like China and were marked "untracked;" go figure. Two hours later I decided to check the mailbox again but this time around the usual delivery time just to confirm or put away my suspicions and well guess what? I unlocked my mailbox to find advertisements and flyers; there had been a second delivery.

It is not my intent to come across as a trouble maker nor a whiny consumer. However I am upset. I am upset that because of deception initially I didn't know if my neighbor had my delivery or if I should contact the seller of the item I was expecting and alert them to me not receiving it or what. I doubt that it's all a coincidence that both priority packages were marked as delivered when in fact neither of them were. It made me feel as though the post office or postal worker(s) would rather have me feel as though I'm crazy rather than to simply wait until the actual dilvery occurs to mark packages as delivered in/at the mailbox :(

  • Aug 12, 2015

We have had to file three complaints against this post office in the past eight months.

Violations include not providing services paid for, failure to deliver mail, refusing prepaid packages and possible mail tampering.

On JUly 24th, 2015, my son went to this post office to mail a certified letter to the local mayors office. For some reason clerk #11 (short stocky male with white hair approx. late 50's) refused to stamp the certified mail receipt.

When my son insisted that he stamp the receipt, the clerk became somewhat irate.

The next day using the USPS tracking device, this letter came up 'not found.' Calls to this post office were futile. So on 7/28/15 we typed another letter and mailed it via certified mail return receipt at a cost of $6.74.

Today, 7/30/2015 we received the missing letter in the mail stamped 'return for postage' with a sticky note attached to it stating that $3.94 was due. We have two receipts for payment. The supervisor at this post office (clerk # 4) said that there is no record of payment. I believe he was trying to insitgate an argument. I as said, we have had to file three complaints against these indivduals at this post office. We believe that they are possilby retaliating against us for these complaints.

We called the USPS 800-275-8777 customer service line today and the woman we spoke with said that there was no record of this letter sent certifed mail. She then said that we had insufficient postage on it. Well which one was it?

At the New Haven Indiana post office an employee there was arrested for stealing gift cards sent out by Kohl's deparment store twice a year to residents. We are going to continue with this problem until we find the person within the postal service that will finally do something about these obnoxious employees of the Huntingtington Indiana post office.

Someone needs to inform these postal employees that it is a crime to tamper with the US mail.


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