When contacting company through chat on their web-site was given various excuses why could not withdraw my earnings. Now get no response at all.
https://www.sec.gov/tcr Feel free to contact us if you need any help Never received my withdrawal Yes you made an error in your withdrawal request What error? You requested for an amount that you don't have in your earnings profit How much do I have? You only earned a profit $82 So I can withdraw $682?
You can only withdraw your profit $82 after 7 days what about my $600? You can withdraw your initial deposit after 20 days 13 days the company use for sustainability, and 7 days you can withdraw your earning profit won't let me withdraw $82 Yes, you have to activate your account with the minimum investment to request a new withdrawal $600 Let me contact SEC and let thems sort it out Sorry we can't understand your question What is your latest escuse why my withdrawal didn't go through?
We noticed you only have on your initial deposit is $400 I re-invested 200 Where is my withdrawal for $82 Sorry you can not reinvest in the basic plan Where is my $82 Your earning for the package of $400 is $56 Your earning will automatically added to you profit I had $600 invested for 7 days Do you have a phone number?
It says I have an active investment of $200 Take a screenshot of your dashboard and submit here Yes You just told me I couldn't re-invest in the basic plan Exactly Deposit $400 Profit $ 0 Referral Balance $0.00 Users Referred 1 Promo $0.00 Amount invested $ 82 Amount Withdrawn $849 Active investments $200.159712 Finished Investments $ You don't know whatyour own dashboard says?
Need address to send to SEC What address are you talking about !!! business address No response? Will report to SEC tomorrow morning.
Ultimatecryptofx Reviews
When contacting company through chat on their web-site was given various excuses why could not withdraw my earnings. Now get no response at all.
https://www.sec.gov/tcr Feel free to contact us if you need any help Never received my withdrawal Yes you made an error in your withdrawal request What error? You requested for an amount that you don't have in your earnings profit How much do I have? You only earned a profit $82 So I can withdraw $682?
You can only withdraw your profit $82 after 7 days what about my $600? You can withdraw your initial deposit after 20 days 13 days the company use for sustainability, and 7 days you can withdraw your earning profit won't let me withdraw $82 Yes, you have to activate your account with the minimum investment to request a new withdrawal $600 Let me contact SEC and let thems sort it out Sorry we can't understand your question What is your latest escuse why my withdrawal didn't go through?
We noticed you only have on your initial deposit is $400 I re-invested 200 Where is my withdrawal for $82 Sorry you can not reinvest in the basic plan Where is my $82 Your earning for the package of $400 is $56 Your earning will automatically added to you profit I had $600 invested for 7 days Do you have a phone number?
It says I have an active investment of $200 Take a screenshot of your dashboard and submit here Yes You just told me I couldn't re-invest in the basic plan Exactly Deposit $400 Profit $ 0 Referral Balance $0.00 Users Referred 1 Promo $0.00 Amount invested $ 82 Amount Withdrawn $849 Active investments $200.159712 Finished Investments $ You don't know whatyour own dashboard says?
Need address to send to SEC What address are you talking about !!! business address No response? Will report to SEC tomorrow morning.