Ueralife.com advertises Fjallraven bags on sale, the ads appear everywhere on Facebook and Instagram. Based on the comments I believe many people ordered through this site, including myself, and were scammed.
This was my first online order, so I wasn't careful enough. After ordering I had a feeling of course that the products would be counterfeit, so I expected to be ripped off. However, after a month what I recieved from China was not only fake, but different size and color from what I ordered. This definitely wasn't a mistake, but the fact that they have limited color and sizes and they know they can get away with it if they send you something completely different.
Since ueralife.com clearly states they have a 30-day return policy, I wrote to them, asking for a return. Surprisingly, a person replied within an hour, and we had an e-mail exchange going back-and-forth.
Basically, they told me to be happy I got any kind of product for such a cheap price, and that I will be satisfied with it. Also, since they sent me a different size than I wanted, they wrote it is a present for me. They keep repeating that they apologize and thank me for my cooperation, regardless of what I write. (It is mostly copy-pasted or written in broken English). Also, they tell me that if I order more items, I will receive a discount. When out of curiosity I asked about what they mean by discount, they said, the more items I order, the more discount. (Which is their original sale on their site anyway, so they basically just want to do another scam for the same price).
On their site they also state that if the problem occured from their fault, they will cover the return. But when I asked about this the person first wrote, it would be too expensive for me to return the product, then just kept replying 'thank you for your understanding'.
I hope that people will watch out and stay away from their scam! I also hope that their ads will be taken down from Facebook and Instagram (I also reported this to Facebook and Fjallraven).
Ueralife.com Reviews
Ueralife.com advertises Fjallraven bags on sale, the ads appear everywhere on Facebook and Instagram. Based on the comments I believe many people ordered through this site, including myself, and were scammed.
This was my first online order, so I wasn't careful enough. After ordering I had a feeling of course that the products would be counterfeit, so I expected to be ripped off. However, after a month what I recieved from China was not only fake, but different size and color from what I ordered. This definitely wasn't a mistake, but the fact that they have limited color and sizes and they know they can get away with it if they send you something completely different.
Since ueralife.com clearly states they have a 30-day return policy, I wrote to them, asking for a return. Surprisingly, a person replied within an hour, and we had an e-mail exchange going back-and-forth.
Basically, they told me to be happy I got any kind of product for such a cheap price, and that I will be satisfied with it. Also, since they sent me a different size than I wanted, they wrote it is a present for me. They keep repeating that they apologize and thank me for my cooperation, regardless of what I write. (It is mostly copy-pasted or written in broken English). Also, they tell me that if I order more items, I will receive a discount. When out of curiosity I asked about what they mean by discount, they said, the more items I order, the more discount. (Which is their original sale on their site anyway, so they basically just want to do another scam for the same price).
On their site they also state that if the problem occured from their fault, they will cover the return. But when I asked about this the person first wrote, it would be too expensive for me to return the product, then just kept replying 'thank you for your understanding'.
I hope that people will watch out and stay away from their scam! I also hope that their ads will be taken down from Facebook and Instagram (I also reported this to Facebook and Fjallraven).