The Construction from the Bottom up was of Substandard Quality. All of the Subcontractors and tuggle's employees did SubStandard Quality work. Unclean fill dirt with Asphalt was used to build up the pad.
The block construction was started before the foundation was fully cured. Control joints were not placed and there are over 20 places around the house where the block is cracked. Hundreds of hairline cracks in the mortar all around the house.
Out of code mortar joints. Cracks in the cement Unlevel Bamboo floors with bulges. Warped and Unsealed Doors are also cracked. Walls and Doors not plumb. Over 20 safety code violations in the electrical.
Steel beams placed without slip joints causing the block to crack. Kitchen bar not finished. Difference of 1" from top to bottom on glass block wall. No Dam for shower to keep water from seeping in the cement. Wrong type of wall board used in shower.
Overloaded Circuits and Circuits marked wrong. 14 Gauge and 12 Gauge wire connected together using a 20Amp circuit breaker. Circuits that are supposed to be standalone in the Laundry room and Dining Room have other receptacles attached to them.
Cheap poor quality door used in garage entrance to house. Poor Cement finishing. Air condition system 1 1/2 tons less than what is called for. One air condition Unit never worked correctly.
Dryer Exhaust protrudes into Laundry Room. Outside Ceilings on outside not sealed. Ends of Roof not sealed. Electrical outlet for Dishwasher should be under kithcen sink and is behind dishwasher.
Cabinets not flush. Cabinet Shelves warped. Door Installations not complete.
Closet shelevs loose and uneven. Paint splattered all over Cracks in door Jams.
Door Jams uneven to compensate for uneven walls. Uneven mortar joint in Block column that is against the Master Bedroom outside wall.
tuggle damaged a $5000 Safe a $3000 Stove and caved in the bottom of a MicroWave. ROC complaint was filed listing 475 items against tuggle. I had no contact with tuggle for 6 months before the ROC complaint was filed and he filed a false threat complaint against me when he received the ROC complaint papers.
He also did a character assination (Defamation of Character) on me with both the ROC and BBB. I got tuggle construction revoked by the BBB and they gave him a B- and then an A-. at the same time I filed against him with the ROC.
I have both a Structural Engineering Report and a Electrical Engineering Report plus thousands of pictures of the building oif the house from the bottom up.
Several of the Subcontractors were not licensed. The Plumber was arrested by Pima County for being Unlicensed and has to pay Court Ordered Restitution. tuggle was arrested in 1993-1994 at the age of 47-48 on a 2nd Degree Felony charge that went Federal.
He apparently spent some time in a Federal Penetuiary. Two years later he was caught contracting without a license.
tuggle has 14 diferent business ventures listed and owes the IRS $72,000. A person named Gonzales and Varecka were involved in Lawsuits for withholding funds from tuggle because of poor quality work.
They both settled out of court. tuggle went back to redo the Stucco at one of the client's house and never finished the work. The client I had contact with told me that he was fed up and had made arrangements that tuggle was never to return back to the house.
After three year the ROC shot me down as tuggle never returned to complete the repairs as I had to have someone else over ther with me in case tuggle said I did something and tried to get me arrested. tuggle told the ROC that he sent me a letter trying to get in touoch with me which I doubt.
I would have never gotten the letter as he had a physical address which would go into the no receptacle bin at the Post office that serves the physical address and returned to the sender. I have a PO Box at another Post Office where I get my Mail.
I have the List I submitted to othe ROC. I can supply any other information that you may need such as the names o the subcontractors. or Ii can fill out additional forms for the other Sub-Contractors.
Tuggle Construction, LLC Reviews
The Construction from the Bottom up was of Substandard Quality. All of the Subcontractors and tuggle's employees did SubStandard Quality work. Unclean fill dirt with Asphalt was used to build up the pad.
The block construction was started before the foundation was fully cured. Control joints were not placed and there are over 20 places around the house where the block is cracked. Hundreds of hairline cracks in the mortar all around the house.
Out of code mortar joints. Cracks in the cement Unlevel Bamboo floors with bulges. Warped and Unsealed Doors are also cracked. Walls and Doors not plumb. Over 20 safety code violations in the electrical.
Steel beams placed without slip joints causing the block to crack. Kitchen bar not finished. Difference of 1" from top to bottom on glass block wall. No Dam for shower to keep water from seeping in the cement. Wrong type of wall board used in shower.
Overloaded Circuits and Circuits marked wrong. 14 Gauge and 12 Gauge wire connected together using a 20Amp circuit breaker. Circuits that are supposed to be standalone in the Laundry room and Dining Room have other receptacles attached to them.
Cheap poor quality door used in garage entrance to house. Poor Cement finishing. Air condition system 1 1/2 tons less than what is called for. One air condition Unit never worked correctly.
Dryer Exhaust protrudes into Laundry Room. Outside Ceilings on outside not sealed. Ends of Roof not sealed. Electrical outlet for Dishwasher should be under kithcen sink and is behind dishwasher.
Cabinets not flush. Cabinet Shelves warped. Door Installations not complete.
Closet shelevs loose and uneven. Paint splattered all over Cracks in door Jams.
Door Jams uneven to compensate for uneven walls. Uneven mortar joint in Block column that is against the Master Bedroom outside wall.
tuggle damaged a $5000 Safe a $3000 Stove and caved in the bottom of a MicroWave. ROC complaint was filed listing 475 items against tuggle. I had no contact with tuggle for 6 months before the ROC complaint was filed and he filed a false threat complaint against me when he received the ROC complaint papers.
He also did a character assination (Defamation of Character) on me with both the ROC and BBB. I got tuggle construction revoked by the BBB and they gave him a B- and then an A-. at the same time I filed against him with the ROC.
I have both a Structural Engineering Report and a Electrical Engineering Report plus thousands of pictures of the building oif the house from the bottom up.
Several of the Subcontractors were not licensed. The Plumber was arrested by Pima County for being Unlicensed and has to pay Court Ordered Restitution. tuggle was arrested in 1993-1994 at the age of 47-48 on a 2nd Degree Felony charge that went Federal.
He apparently spent some time in a Federal Penetuiary. Two years later he was caught contracting without a license.
tuggle has 14 diferent business ventures listed and owes the IRS $72,000. A person named Gonzales and Varecka were involved in Lawsuits for withholding funds from tuggle because of poor quality work.
They both settled out of court. tuggle went back to redo the Stucco at one of the client's house and never finished the work. The client I had contact with told me that he was fed up and had made arrangements that tuggle was never to return back to the house.
After three year the ROC shot me down as tuggle never returned to complete the repairs as I had to have someone else over ther with me in case tuggle said I did something and tried to get me arrested. tuggle told the ROC that he sent me a letter trying to get in touoch with me which I doubt.
I would have never gotten the letter as he had a physical address which would go into the no receptacle bin at the Post office that serves the physical address and returned to the sender. I have a PO Box at another Post Office where I get my Mail.
I have the List I submitted to othe ROC. I can supply any other information that you may need such as the names o the subcontractors. or Ii can fill out additional forms for the other Sub-Contractors.