Do not work with Sanel Malkoc from He is a complete newbie and started an advertising agency without any experience. He is claiming hes an expert when that is far from the truth. He is taking money and jobs from everyone and not delivering any services or products. He claims to have a huge network of ugc creators, when that is completely a lie.
Purchased over 3 thousand dollars of ugc videos back about 4 months ago. Completely ghosted us, no communication, no delivery, no updates.
TikBytes LTD Reviews
Do not work with Sanel Malkoc from He is a complete newbie and started an advertising agency without any experience. He is claiming hes an expert when that is far from the truth. He is taking money and jobs from everyone and not delivering any services or products. He claims to have a huge network of ugc creators, when that is completely a lie.
Purchased over 3 thousand dollars of ugc videos back about 4 months ago. Completely ghosted us, no communication, no delivery, no updates.
Professional scammer.
[email protected]