Helped her get a car note because her vehicle was constantly breaking down. She had established credit. Added her to my insurance because she didn't have a downpayment for it. She was supposed to make all the payments on time or within the grace period. Way too many late payments, missed payments, broken payment arrangements. She refuses to answer the phone or reply to text messages. The registration is now suspended for 3 months due to no insurance. Multiple red light tickets. Multiple parking tickets. All of which has the car on the boot list. Never help this raunchy ratchett poor excuse of a female. My credit took a major hit.
Tierrah Sharee Pardo Reviews
Helped her get a car note because her vehicle was constantly breaking down. She had established credit. Added her to my insurance because she didn't have a downpayment for it. She was supposed to make all the payments on time or within the grace period. Way too many late payments, missed payments, broken payment arrangements. She refuses to answer the phone or reply to text messages. The registration is now suspended for 3 months due to no insurance. Multiple red light tickets. Multiple parking tickets. All of which has the car on the boot list. Never help this raunchy ratchett poor excuse of a female. My credit took a major hit.