Purchased two horses from this company (group of people). The first scam was they claimed to have private care facility which the horse purchased would be moved there and kept in quarantine. I paid the additional fee to have them placed in privately care and the horses showed up 500 lbs thinner than when purchased. The next issue was the one horse has a severely injured leg and a neurological problem. After finding this out I looked back on videos they had taken and this can be clearly seen, even though they tell you how healthy and how great the legs are on this horse. The last issue was they claimed the horse tone 8 years old. He was 20. The horse needed to be put down 2 weeks after arriving at home.
Thompson's Horse Lot Reviews
Purchased two horses from this company (group of people). The first scam was they claimed to have private care facility which the horse purchased would be moved there and kept in quarantine. I paid the additional fee to have them placed in privately care and the horses showed up 500 lbs thinner than when purchased. The next issue was the one horse has a severely injured leg and a neurological problem. After finding this out I looked back on videos they had taken and this can be clearly seen, even though they tell you how healthy and how great the legs are on this horse. The last issue was they claimed the horse tone 8 years old. He was 20. The horse needed to be put down 2 weeks after arriving at home.