Dear Bitter Person, Everyone's praying for you. They understand that you're not really upset with Theresa. You're upset with your life but taking it out on Therea. They understand and that's why they're praying for you.
Please notify the Police because Doris A Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf they have an EPO on them. They sent out 114 email to different Doctors and Hospitals about Theresa/Terry. Or You need to send them a letter and tell them they are wrong for playing games with Theresa/Terry and the Doctors who can help really help people who need it.
Marshall Officer is like a FBI person who called Bill yesterday. He wanted to know what went going on between Doris Campagna and us. Judge Colin H. Lindsay ordered Marshall to call Bill. Bill explained to Marshall Officer that Doris posted all over about us filed bankruptcy and said that Judge Linsday told her. Marshall got it and will let Judge know. I hope Doris get a big trouble because Judge Linsday is a FEDERAL JUDGE... He judges Doris and Nursing home for murder case. Hope she loses the case because she lies and lies. Doris and Richard need counselor.
The Federal Judge sent the US Marshals to warn the Carpenters to stop harassing the Judge and witnesses or go to jail. Theresa and Bill got into big trouble. The Marshal Service is still watching the crazy Carpenters. Theresa and her alcoholic wife-beater husband Bill need severe psychiatric help.
She did sh*t work at the Hotel in louisville, kentucky. You talk about your "friends", but you DON'T HAVE any friends. Your jealousy and dementia makes you harass everyone.
They all call you "that crazy woman" or "dumbazz Doris".
Sorry your life is so miserable. Maybe you should focus your attention on the positive things in life, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative.
Theresa lynn fowler-carpenter and william carpenter are stalking me and my fiance. They harass us at our jobs, mail libelous letters to our neighbors, posted death threats against us, and defamed my fiance online, on the website pissed consumer, which has taken the place of topix, and allows people to stalk and harass others, and does nothing to stop it.
This is criminal and unethical and pissed consumer should be shut down.
Golly, Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf. You are bullies and stalkers. Stop impersonating Theresa Carpenter. You're all idiots. There’s no cure for jealousy. No Time For Fools.
Marked as Useful [377 votes]
Nov 18, 2019
Doris Lies And Lies
Anyone who posts day after day pictures of someone and their family members has a very serious mental problem with obsession. Doris Campagna is psychotic.
See, Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf can not leave Theresa Carpenter alone? If the move doesn't work, a new home feeling like a failure.
Marked as Useful [392 votes]
Feb 27, 2020
Doris Ann Grimes Holt Campagna
Just reading this makes me laugh!!!! 1st- the post, I had a family member air our problems on Facebook. NOT COOL! And this is "JUST" my opinion, Why? Why?Why? Do people think that this is what Facebook was meant for or that it's even ok to do this? If you have an issue with someone "Say It To Them Face to Face!"People just don't do this anymore, hide behind a screen and feel all high and mighty talking smack for all to see. I still have a Facebook account but I haven't been on it in over 3yrs because of what a family member posted on my page about issues that should of been handled in person, not just once but twice. That was enough for me to say I'm done! With her and Facebook.
Oh one more thing, just some friendly advice, when writing online, Check and Read what you wrote before hitting post! One of these I read would of probably been awesome, but it was hard to read with all the typos.
Marked as Useful [393 votes]
Aug 24, 2019
False Stories
Doris and Richard tell lies about good people.
Marked as Useful [394 votes]
Sep 7, 2019
Doris Campagna
Marked as Useful [394 votes]
Mar 16, 2020
what a shame
At first they thought your content was amusing, but now they see that you need serious help.
Marked as Useful [394 votes]
Oct 11, 2019
Doris Campagna
Some people just enjoy being nasty, to see others feeling hurt or bad.
And these people are often insecure, so gain a sense of power by putting others down and being unpredictable and hurtful with their comments.
I dont believe happy, fulfilled people bully, I think insecure unhappy people do. They seem strong, but they are not. A strong person has no need to belittle anyone else.
Its often hard to stand up to bullies, because they are good at mind games, but in the event you are dealing with one, dont get too close to them or too involved socially. They are often at their worst when they are alone with you, so dont give them the chance for a one on one unless you have no option!
As long as you see them and their comments for what they really are ( weak and pathetic) you will learn to treat them like water off a ducks back. As long as they know they have you under their thumb, they will keep playing their game.
Marked as Useful [395 votes]
Aug 21, 2019
All these posts are being sent to the Judge.
Marked as Useful [396 votes]
Aug 26, 2020
Leave Terry Alone
Terry has a life. Leave her alone, Doris. Get busy with your life in the woods.
Theresa carpenter will be arrested for conning her brain-damaged friend into filing a false criminal report against the woman she is stalking. She freaked out because she thought the happy couple was moving away.
Ha ha, the laugh is on her.
She is facing both criminal and civil charges.
She is jealous. She is miserable.
She did sh*t work at the main post office in louisville, kentucky.
Theresa Carpenter has 22 Post Office Awards. Doris never was there.
Theresa Carpenter won 33 awards from US Postal Service. Doris acted that she was there when Theresa worked for 33 years. Theresa s husband Bill worked there for 40 years. Doris is very negative person and says many bad things about people.
Marked as Useful [390 votes]
Feb 23, 2020
That is how Doris feels about herself.
Everything she says about you is how she feels about herself
She’s extremely insane
Marked as Useful [391 votes]
Mar 20, 2020
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Theresa Carpenter is clearly insane, but the justice system can't fix insanity by prosecution. That's why the couple is suing her in Civil Court. They will take everything the Carpenters have. Good thing they have their Police Chief and Sheriff to testify to Theresa's harssment. Theresa refuses to cease her calls and letters and posts to everyone.
Also, Theresa Carpenter and her brain-damaged friend will be charged with filing a false criminal report. She freaked out when she found out the happy couple was moving away.
Poor, pitiful Theresa. She is jealous of the happy couple and all they have. She is angry because she is miserable in her marriage to the fugly, impotent man.
Theresa did sh*t work at the main post office in Louisville, KY because she is to dumbazz for a good job.
She won 22 awards, one for every man she opened for.
Theresa Carpenter is very negative person and says many bad things about people. Every mean thing she writes is really how she feels about herself. She is extremely insecure and increasingly senile. Because she is so angry and bitter, she has NO FRIENDS. People who know her all call her "that crazy old woman" or "that old dumbazz Terry".
Sorry her life is so miserable. Maybe she should focus her attention on the positive things in life, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative.
Theresa Carpenter is very negative person and says many bad things about people. Every mean thing she writes is really how she feels about herself. She is extremely insecure and increasingly senile. Because she is so angry and bitter, she has NO FRIENDS. People who know her all call her "that crazy old woman" or "that old dumbazz Terry".
Poor crazy, meth-head Theresa. She hates D because D is everything Theresa wants to be, and D has everything that Theresa wants, including Richard. Every word that comes out of Theresa's mouth is a lie. She has no friends, even her children are fed up with her crazy shyte and want nothing to do with her.
22 or 33 awards? For what? Banging the most coworkers?
Marshals? ROFLMAO.
We will see you soon in court, cucaracha. We will watch you ugly cry when we take the little bit you have.
IF you have problem with Theresa or Peggy, Call Police. Leave them alone.
Marked as Useful [388 votes]
Apr 7, 2020
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Theresa enjoys being nasty, just to see others feeling hurt or bad.
Theresa does this because she is so insecure, and to gain a sense of power by putting others down and being unpredictable and hurtful with her comments.
Happy, fulfilled people don't try to bully, only insecure, unhappy people do. They try to seem strong, but they are not. A strong person has no need to belittle anyone else.
She thinks she is good at mind games, but she does not have the intelligence required.
She is at her worst when things are going bad at home, such as when the fully man beats her, our they are struggling to pay their bills and make their mortgage payments.
As long as you see her and her comments for what they really are (weak and pathetic) you will learn to treat them like water off a duck's back.
As long as they are miserable, or they know you are happy, she will keep playing her sick little game.
Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf will be arrested for conning their brain-damaged friend into filing a false criminal report against Theresa Carpenter they are stalking. They freaked out because she thought the happy couple have their good life.
Theresa is terrible mom. Theresa's family are t r a s h.
People see this, Theresa’s insane. We quit paying attention to her.
Wow, Theresa had way too many men. She never married her baby-daddies. Her daddy did not let her date boys because he was jealous.
Nobody cares about Theresa's u g l y sisters and brothers.
Nobody cares about who got drunk and wrecked their car.
Dennis dumped Theresa when Chris was 11 mos old because she was insanely jealous.
She banged Kary and had a daughter, Kristie. If Kary a b u s e d his children (ANOTHER low life man) why did Theresa love him so much? Why does she still miss him?
Theresa never did data entry at Liberty National Bank. She is too stu pid and cannot spell.
Theresa needs to stop bothering people.
Theresa's body is grotesque. Fat, lumpy, wrinkled, saggy, and no a s s. She needs new padded panties.
Theresa is a miserable mean and rotten old woman. She does not love Bill. She is using him for security. She wants him to d i e.
Theresa is talking to her imaginary friends again.
Theresa has more problems than anybody.
Theresa needs to keep her t r a s h life private.
Wow, Theresa looked OLD and SLOPPY in the 2011 pictures at the baby shower.
The crazy ppl are freaking out. They stole our names, harassed us and our family and friends at their jobs, posted info about us and our family. Theresa made ugly pornographic pictures of her and posted them on Twitter. Theresa harassed the police, the sheriff, the judges, and lied in Meade county.
Plus, there was no Disability-related harassment.
At the Civil court they cannot talk about what any body else did, they cannot show any evidence, because WE paid the $15,000 for the lawsuit.
If they want to show evidence, THEY have to pay $15,000 for THEIR OWN Civil lawsuit. But if they LOSE, they will be in big trouble for bringing a wrongful suit.
They were stupid. Now they will lose EVERYTHING.
Maybe they can to go live with Lisa in her trashy little shotgun house.
Theresa Carpenter Reviews
We will see you soon in court, cucaracha.
Do it now
Wrong Doris
Theresa has alot of friends. You DON'T. I am her best friend. Get over it DorisRichard
Theresa, you are pretending to be your own friend, which proves you have no friends.
You are jealous because I have so many friends.
Doris Campagna
Doris Campagna..... She’s obviously psycho jealous it’s very very clear
Theresa Carpenter
False Stories
Theresa Carpenter tell lies about good people because she is so insanely jealous about all they have, and so miserable with her own life.
She acts she knows everything
Doris acts like she knows everything about Theresa s life. She was NOT there in Theresa's life.
Doris Campagna
Ms Campagna is insane, clearly, but the justice system can't fix insanity by prosecution. Please cease any calls or letters or posts to anyone.
Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf
Doris Campagna has no confidence herself
Theresa Carpenter
Theresa Carpenter has no confidence in herself.
She has very low self-esteem.
She wants Doris' life.
She wants Doris' man.
She wants to be Doris.
Doris Campagna Impersonates Theresa Carpenter
Dear Bitter Person, Everyone's praying for you. They understand that you're not really upset with Theresa. You're upset with your life but taking it out on Therea. They understand and that's why they're praying for you.
Theresa Carpenter
Theresa Carpenter impersonates Doris online.
Dear Bitter Theresa, everyone's praying for you. They understand that you're not really upset with Doris.
You're upset with your life and the bad choices you've made, but taking it out on Doris won't help you.
They understand and that's why they're praying for you.
Please notify the Police because Doris A Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf they have an EPO on them. They sent out 114 email to different Doctors and Hospitals about Theresa/Terry. Or You need to send them a letter and tell them they are wrong for playing games with Theresa/Terry and the Doctors who can help really help people who need it.
1 270 864 5391 Burkesville Police Department
Doris Campagna
Richard Lauersdorf
124 Poor House Road
Burkesville, Ky 42717
Doris and Richard need to see
Marshall Officer is like a FBI person who called Bill yesterday. He wanted to know what went going on between Doris Campagna and us. Judge Colin H. Lindsay ordered Marshall to call Bill. Bill explained to Marshall Officer that Doris posted all over about us filed bankruptcy and said that Judge Linsday told her. Marshall got it and will let Judge know. I hope Doris get a big trouble because Judge Linsday is a FEDERAL JUDGE... He judges Doris and Nursing home for murder case. Hope she loses the case because she lies and lies. Doris and Richard need counselor.
Theresa Fowler Carpenter needs to see.
The Federal Judge sent the US Marshals to warn the Carpenters to stop harassing the Judge and witnesses or go to jail. Theresa and Bill got into big trouble. The Marshal Service is still watching the crazy Carpenters. Theresa and her alcoholic wife-beater husband Bill need severe psychiatric help.
Received the copies for the lawyer. Thank you.
Doris Campagna at Hotel and NO FRIENDS
She did sh*t work at the Hotel in louisville, kentucky. You talk about your "friends", but you DON'T HAVE any friends. Your jealousy and dementia makes you harass everyone.
They all call you "that crazy woman" or "dumbazz Doris".
Sorry your life is so miserable. Maybe you should focus your attention on the positive things in life, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative.
Theresa s Friends
Doris you do not know Theresa very well. She has many friends. Please cease any calls or letters or posts to anyone.
All the posts belong to Richard Lauersdorf and Doris Campagna17
All the posts belong to Richard Lauersdorf and Doris Campagna.
Theresa lynn fowler-carpenter and william carpenter are stalking me and my fiance. They harass us at our jobs, mail libelous letters to our neighbors, posted death threats against us, and defamed my fiance online, on the website pissed consumer, which has taken the place of topix, and allows people to stalk and harass others, and does nothing to stop it.
This is criminal and unethical and pissed consumer should be shut down.
Theresa Carpenter
Golly, Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf. You are bullies and stalkers. Stop impersonating Theresa Carpenter. You're all idiots. There’s no cure for jealousy. No Time For Fools.
Doris Lies And Lies
Anyone who posts day after day pictures of someone and their family members has a very serious mental problem with obsession. Doris Campagna is psychotic.
See, Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf can not leave Theresa Carpenter alone? If the move doesn't work, a new home feeling like a failure.
Doris Ann Grimes Holt Campagna
Just reading this makes me laugh!!!! 1st- the post, I had a family member air our problems on Facebook. NOT COOL! And this is "JUST" my opinion, Why? Why?Why? Do people think that this is what Facebook was meant for or that it's even ok to do this? If you have an issue with someone "Say It To Them Face to Face!"People just don't do this anymore, hide behind a screen and feel all high and mighty talking smack for all to see. I still have a Facebook account but I haven't been on it in over 3yrs because of what a family member posted on my page about issues that should of been handled in person, not just once but twice. That was enough for me to say I'm done! With her and Facebook.
Oh one more thing, just some friendly advice, when writing online, Check and Read what you wrote before hitting post! One of these I read would of probably been awesome, but it was hard to read with all the typos.
False Stories
Doris and Richard tell lies about good people.
Doris Campagna
what a shame
At first they thought your content was amusing, but now they see that you need serious help.
Doris Campagna
Some people just enjoy being nasty, to see others feeling hurt or bad.
And these people are often insecure, so gain a sense of power by putting others down and being unpredictable and hurtful with their comments.
I dont believe happy, fulfilled people bully, I think insecure unhappy people do. They seem strong, but they are not. A strong person has no need to belittle anyone else.
Its often hard to stand up to bullies, because they are good at mind games, but in the event you are dealing with one, dont get too close to them or too involved socially. They are often at their worst when they are alone with you, so dont give them the chance for a one on one unless you have no option!
As long as you see them and their comments for what they really are ( weak and pathetic) you will learn to treat them like water off a ducks back. As long as they know they have you under their thumb, they will keep playing their game.
All these posts are being sent to the Judge.
Leave Terry Alone
Terry has a life. Leave her alone, Doris. Get busy with your life in the woods.
Theresa Carpenter
Theresa, Leave Doris and Richard alone.
They have a life. You do not.
Leave her alone, Theresa.
They have no time for your insanity.
They are busy with their new, wonderful life in the woods.
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Doris and Richard have a wonderful life. You need to lease them alone, Theresa.
Get off you scrawny ass in front of the computer and get busy doing something constructive with your life instead of constantly trolling people.
No Friends
You talk about your "friends", but you DON'T HAVE any friends. Your jealousy and dementia makes you harass everyone.
They all call you "that crazy woman" or "dumbazz Terry".
Sorry your life is so miserable. Maybe you should focus your attention on the positive things in life, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative.
Theresa carpenter will be arrested for conning her brain-damaged friend into filing a false criminal report against the woman she is stalking. She freaked out because she thought the happy couple was moving away.
Ha ha, the laugh is on her.
She is facing both criminal and civil charges.
She is jealous. She is miserable.
She did sh*t work at the main post office in louisville, kentucky.
Theresa Carpenter has 22 Post Office Awards. Doris never was there.
Theresa Carpenter won 33 awards from US Postal Service. Doris acted that she was there when Theresa worked for 33 years. Theresa s husband Bill worked there for 40 years. Doris is very negative person and says many bad things about people.
That is how Doris feels about herself.
Everything she says about you is how she feels about herself
She’s extremely insane
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Theresa Carpenter is clearly insane, but the justice system can't fix insanity by prosecution. That's why the couple is suing her in Civil Court. They will take everything the Carpenters have. Good thing they have their Police Chief and Sheriff to testify to Theresa's harssment. Theresa refuses to cease her calls and letters and posts to everyone.
Also, Theresa Carpenter and her brain-damaged friend will be charged with filing a false criminal report. She freaked out when she found out the happy couple was moving away.
Poor, pitiful Theresa. She is jealous of the happy couple and all they have. She is angry because she is miserable in her marriage to the fugly, impotent man.
Theresa did sh*t work at the main post office in Louisville, KY because she is to dumbazz for a good job.
She won 22 awards, one for every man she opened for.
Theresa Carpenter is very negative person and says many bad things about people. Every mean thing she writes is really how she feels about herself. She is extremely insecure and increasingly senile. Because she is so angry and bitter, she has NO FRIENDS. People who know her all call her "that crazy old woman" or "that old dumbazz Terry".
Sorry her life is so miserable. Maybe she should focus her attention on the positive things in life, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative.
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Theresa Carpenter is very negative person and says many bad things about people. Every mean thing she writes is really how she feels about herself. She is extremely insecure and increasingly senile. Because she is so angry and bitter, she has NO FRIENDS. People who know her all call her "that crazy old woman" or "that old dumbazz Terry".
Crazy Liar
Poor crazy, meth-head Theresa. She hates D because D is everything Theresa wants to be, and D has everything that Theresa wants, including Richard. Every word that comes out of Theresa's mouth is a lie. She has no friends, even her children are fed up with her crazy shyte and want nothing to do with her.
22 or 33 awards? For what? Banging the most coworkers?
Marshals? ROFLMAO.
We will see you soon in court, cucaracha. We will watch you ugly cry when we take the little bit you have.
You can't counter sue if you have no money, lol.
Doris and Richard
IF you have problem with Theresa or Peggy, Call Police. Leave them alone.
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
Theresa enjoys being nasty, just to see others feeling hurt or bad.
Theresa does this because she is so insecure, and to gain a sense of power by putting others down and being unpredictable and hurtful with her comments.
Happy, fulfilled people don't try to bully, only insecure, unhappy people do. They try to seem strong, but they are not. A strong person has no need to belittle anyone else.
She thinks she is good at mind games, but she does not have the intelligence required.
She is at her worst when things are going bad at home, such as when the fully man beats her, our they are struggling to pay their bills and make their mortgage payments.
As long as you see her and her comments for what they really are (weak and pathetic) you will learn to treat them like water off a duck's back.
As long as they are miserable, or they know you are happy, she will keep playing her sick little game.
Richard Lauersdorf and Doris Campagna
Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf will be arrested for conning their brain-damaged friend into filing a false criminal report against Theresa Carpenter they are stalking. They freaked out because she thought the happy couple have their good life.
Ha ha, the laugh is on them.
They are facing both criminal and civil charges.
They are jealous. They are miserable.
Theresa is terrible mom. Theresa's family are t r a s h.
People see this, Theresa’s insane. We quit paying attention to her.
Wow, Theresa had way too many men. She never married her baby-daddies. Her daddy did not let her date boys because he was jealous.
Nobody cares about Theresa's u g l y sisters and brothers.
Nobody cares about who got drunk and wrecked their car.
Dennis dumped Theresa when Chris was 11 mos old because she was insanely jealous.
She banged Kary and had a daughter, Kristie. If Kary a b u s e d his children (ANOTHER low life man) why did Theresa love him so much? Why does she still miss him?
Theresa never did data entry at Liberty National Bank. She is too stu pid and cannot spell.
Theresa needs to stop bothering people.
Theresa's body is grotesque. Fat, lumpy, wrinkled, saggy, and no a s s. She needs new padded panties.
Theresa is a miserable mean and rotten old woman. She does not love Bill. She is using him for security. She wants him to d i e.
Theresa is talking to her imaginary friends again.
Theresa has more problems than anybody.
Theresa needs to keep her t r a s h life private.
Wow, Theresa looked OLD and SLOPPY in the 2011 pictures at the baby shower.
Theresa looks even worse now, lol.
They can t wait to see her in Court in May.
Theresa Fowler Carpenter
The crazy ppl are freaking out. They stole our names, harassed us and our family and friends at their jobs, posted info about us and our family. Theresa made ugly pornographic pictures of her and posted them on Twitter. Theresa harassed the police, the sheriff, the judges, and lied in Meade county.
Plus, there was no Disability-related harassment.
At the Civil court they cannot talk about what any body else did, they cannot show any evidence, because WE paid the $15,000 for the lawsuit.
If they want to show evidence, THEY have to pay $15,000 for THEIR OWN Civil lawsuit. But if they LOSE, they will be in big trouble for bringing a wrongful suit.
They were stupid. Now they will lose EVERYTHING.
Maybe they can to go live with Lisa in her trashy little shotgun house.
pure evil in Doris' eyes, she will come back and harass more, nite demon