Texas Department of Health And Human Services Reviews
Jul 28, 2017
I have endured the abuses and illegal conduct of the Texas Dept. of Health and Human Disservice (HHD) for about 10 years. No more, at age 70 HHD I believe is trying to kill me and/or cause me serious harm and injury. In the past 2 years I have noticed my health deteriorate from lack of adequate nourishment, and have at times lost 40 or more lbs. That is because when HHD acts illegally I complain by written complaint, none of which has ever been answered, except my food stamps inexplicitely are diminished in value. This reprisal for the exercise of fundamental rights is common place within HHD.
I also have mandated extra help through Social Security and Medicare, so HHD gets involved with their Medicaid. Dispite my 10 years of unanswered complaints, that I have a fundamental right to be secure in my person, papers and effects through the 4th Amendment, HHD demands a bank statement from me regularly, without probable cause, and without a warrant. Bank statements not only include your bank balance, but also how much and where you spend your money. Further, Social Security regularly shares my income with HHD. In fact HHD knows when I get a cost of living increase before I do, and promptly takes that cost of living increase and deducts it from the food stamp amount in addition to the retaliations above.
In late February - March, I was completely incapacitated, could not walk and at the begining was not even able to stand up, had to crawl to the bathroom, and for about a week could not eat because I could not stand or walk to the kitchen to cook a meal. You may wonder why I was incapacitated in such a manner? HHD provides rides to doctors and pharmacies through Medicaid, but refused to provide me with those rides. Consequently, I had to walk 100 miles to 2 doctor's appts. and 20 miles to the bank, which caused the incapacitation. HHD knows, by written letter, that I suffer from pariphial nuropathy, sever swelling in my legs ankles and feet from vascular disease, carpel tunnel syndrome, a deteriorating disk in my back that effects the nerves in my legs as well (in constant pain), dimentia, and other infirmaties, yet refused to accomodate all those disabilities.
While HHD refuses to accomodate disabilities, and makes demands on those they are supposed to serve in violation of their civil rights, they made such a demand upon me again for a bank statement, when I could not make it to the bank and couldn't even stand let alone walk. HHD gives only 10 days to return this bank statement, but by their own rules cannot terminate Medicaid for 90 days after they don't receive it. On May 31, 2017 the bank statement filled out by the bank and faxed by the bank to HHD. On April 5, 2017, I received notice from Social Security (not HHD) that HHD was refusing to pay Medicare Part B premiums for March, April, and May 2017 and that as a result I owed $402 for those premiums. $402 represents just a few dollars under 1/2 of my total income, which is all social security entitlements. Both Social Security and HHD are required by law, their own rules and the Constitution to provide a pre-termination evidentiary hearing and notice before they make these decisions and in contemplation thereof, neither did.
In as much as I cannot afford this kind of reprisals, not physically, not mentally, not financially, being severly harmed in all three catagories, I decided I needed to go without health insurance. I contacted HHD, Social Security, and Medicare, seeking to be disenrolled in Medicare Part B, Medicaid, and Humana Health Insurance. Medicare told me that I have a right to disenroll in Medicare Part B but if I disenroll from Medicare Part A I will have to pay back all of my Social Security Benefits and all my Medicare Benifits, i.e. extortion. While Social Security Administration also hides those responsible for abuses as well, seveal employees of social security have refused to disenroll me from Medicare Part B by letter, completely and deliberately inviting more abuse from HHD. While HHD is in receipt of a letter to disenroll me from Medicaid, they have not bothered to respond at all typical of tyrants and criminal enterprises.
So there you have it. In Texas if you sign up for medical help or help with food, you are signing up to the relinqishment of all your civil and human rights under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, abuses physically, refusals to accomodate disabilities, discrimination, extortion, multiple threats of imprisonment and fines, losses of income, abuses of brow beating and mental degeneration, sever mental distress (I began thinking of suicide, never though of before), as well as being lied to by those whom are supposed to care for you.
Not me not anymore, I am done! A criminal enterprise or organized crime by governmental entity is not something I want to be a part of or abused by.
Texas Department of Health And Human Services Reviews
I have endured the abuses and illegal conduct of the Texas Dept. of Health and Human Disservice (HHD) for about 10 years. No more, at age 70 HHD I believe is trying to kill me and/or cause me serious harm and injury. In the past 2 years I have noticed my health deteriorate from lack of adequate nourishment, and have at times lost 40 or more lbs. That is because when HHD acts illegally I complain by written complaint, none of which has ever been answered, except my food stamps inexplicitely are diminished in value. This reprisal for the exercise of fundamental rights is common place within HHD.
I also have mandated extra help through Social Security and Medicare, so HHD gets involved with their Medicaid. Dispite my 10 years of unanswered complaints, that I have a fundamental right to be secure in my person, papers and effects through the 4th Amendment, HHD demands a bank statement from me regularly, without probable cause, and without a warrant. Bank statements not only include your bank balance, but also how much and where you spend your money. Further, Social Security regularly shares my income with HHD. In fact HHD knows when I get a cost of living increase before I do, and promptly takes that cost of living increase and deducts it from the food stamp amount in addition to the retaliations above.
In late February - March, I was completely incapacitated, could not walk and at the begining was not even able to stand up, had to crawl to the bathroom, and for about a week could not eat because I could not stand or walk to the kitchen to cook a meal. You may wonder why I was incapacitated in such a manner? HHD provides rides to doctors and pharmacies through Medicaid, but refused to provide me with those rides. Consequently, I had to walk 100 miles to 2 doctor's appts. and 20 miles to the bank, which caused the incapacitation. HHD knows, by written letter, that I suffer from pariphial nuropathy, sever swelling in my legs ankles and feet from vascular disease, carpel tunnel syndrome, a deteriorating disk in my back that effects the nerves in my legs as well (in constant pain), dimentia, and other infirmaties, yet refused to accomodate all those disabilities.
While HHD refuses to accomodate disabilities, and makes demands on those they are supposed to serve in violation of their civil rights, they made such a demand upon me again for a bank statement, when I could not make it to the bank and couldn't even stand let alone walk. HHD gives only 10 days to return this bank statement, but by their own rules cannot terminate Medicaid for 90 days after they don't receive it. On May 31, 2017 the bank statement filled out by the bank and faxed by the bank to HHD. On April 5, 2017, I received notice from Social Security (not HHD) that HHD was refusing to pay Medicare Part B premiums for March, April, and May 2017 and that as a result I owed $402 for those premiums. $402 represents just a few dollars under 1/2 of my total income, which is all social security entitlements. Both Social Security and HHD are required by law, their own rules and the Constitution to provide a pre-termination evidentiary hearing and notice before they make these decisions and in contemplation thereof, neither did.
In as much as I cannot afford this kind of reprisals, not physically, not mentally, not financially, being severly harmed in all three catagories, I decided I needed to go without health insurance. I contacted HHD, Social Security, and Medicare, seeking to be disenrolled in Medicare Part B, Medicaid, and Humana Health Insurance. Medicare told me that I have a right to disenroll in Medicare Part B but if I disenroll from Medicare Part A I will have to pay back all of my Social Security Benefits and all my Medicare Benifits, i.e. extortion. While Social Security Administration also hides those responsible for abuses as well, seveal employees of social security have refused to disenroll me from Medicare Part B by letter, completely and deliberately inviting more abuse from HHD. While HHD is in receipt of a letter to disenroll me from Medicaid, they have not bothered to respond at all typical of tyrants and criminal enterprises.
So there you have it. In Texas if you sign up for medical help or help with food, you are signing up to the relinqishment of all your civil and human rights under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, abuses physically, refusals to accomodate disabilities, discrimination, extortion, multiple threats of imprisonment and fines, losses of income, abuses of brow beating and mental degeneration, sever mental distress (I began thinking of suicide, never though of before), as well as being lied to by those whom are supposed to care for you.
Not me not anymore, I am done! A criminal enterprise or organized crime by governmental entity is not something I want to be a part of or abused by.