This Email is from TECH SQUAD SOLUTION LLC . The reason you are receiving this Email because we would like to inform you that the amount you have paid for the services that services has been expired two days ago
And the subscription will be automatically renewed. The renewal charges for the subscription will be $299 and it will automatically debit from your account. The reason of automatically debit because when you
Have signed for the subscription that time you have agreed with our term & condition for auto debit for renewing the contract.
Now if you don’t want to renew the contract then CALL US- 1-313-462-7713.
This is our cancellation department number and they will help you cancel the subscription as well as help you to stop the auto debit option.
Addressed to me at my e-mail address:
This Email is from TECH SQUAD SOLUTION LLC . The reason you are receiving this Email because we would like to inform you that the amount you have paid for the services that services has been expired two days ago
And the subscription will be automatically renewed. The renewal charges for the subscription will be $299 and it will automatically debit from your account. The reason of automatically debit because when you
Have signed for the subscription that time you have agreed with our term & condition for auto debit for renewing the contract.
Now if you don’t want to renew the contract then CALL US- 1-313-462-7713.
This is our cancellation department number and they will help you cancel the subscription as well as help you to stop the auto debit option.