I am a reputable and honest vendor here in Los Angeles. Eric Netsch of TapCart, formerly of Mobile First Studios, submitted a proposal to perform certain development work. In the beginning, we had great relations and things seemed to be going well. Several months into the project however, we began to notice that Eric Netsch was falling short on promises made for both the scope of the project, as well as the timeline for delivering the project. When confronted about these shortfalls, Eric Netsch made excuses and pointed the finger at other people. Over time, it became clear that Eric Netsch seemed to have some personal issues that made him very difficult to work with, in my opinion. He became difficult to talk to and very argumentative. Whenever there was a deliverable date approaching, he established a pattern of waiting to start until just before the due date, resulting in work that did not meet expectations. Part way through the project, Eric Netsch lost or fired his only designer and Eric promised that he would find replacement designers. Eric Netsch failed to find new designers for the project, and instead decided that he would finish the design himself even though this was not his background of speciality. The quality of work product was not good. After time, it became apparent that Eric Netsch was not only producing inferrior work product, but he was also padding his hours and billing for time that he did not actually perform work for. Later, it became known that he had started another company on the side, TapCart, and that it had become his primary focus. All of the web design contracts that Eric Netsch had in place with other vendors were given the minimum amount of attention that Eric Netsch thought he could get away with, to the detriment of those who had contracted with him and been promised very different results. At the same time, Eric was bilking his vendors out of tens of thousands of dollars by continuing to charge for work that he was not actually performing, with his efforts focused on making it appear that he was doing the work.
After months of dealing with inferrior work, lies, and overbilling from Eric Netsch, he was terminated as a vendor. I thought about suing him, based on the fact that he had unjustly profited from his overnilling as well for the cost of having to replace all of the sub-par work that had to be completely replaced by a new vendor, and for the additional costs incurred during the time that were only inucrred due to the detrimential reliance on promises made by Eric Netsch. Given the evidence, sound legal theories, and easy ability to prove damages this case would not be difficult to win, and Eric Netsch would likely have to get an attorney whould would encourage him to settle for a smaller amount of money than he would be sued for.
I still have not decided whether to persue a lawsuit against Eric Netsch or not. Recently, he appears to have become vindictive and is spreading false rumors online about me. While this is libel and I could sue him for it, I don't plan to provided that he ceases and desists these actions and removes his false and misleading online information.
Tapcart Reviews
I am a reputable and honest vendor here in Los Angeles. Eric Netsch of TapCart, formerly of Mobile First Studios, submitted a proposal to perform certain development work. In the beginning, we had great relations and things seemed to be going well. Several months into the project however, we began to notice that Eric Netsch was falling short on promises made for both the scope of the project, as well as the timeline for delivering the project. When confronted about these shortfalls, Eric Netsch made excuses and pointed the finger at other people. Over time, it became clear that Eric Netsch seemed to have some personal issues that made him very difficult to work with, in my opinion. He became difficult to talk to and very argumentative. Whenever there was a deliverable date approaching, he established a pattern of waiting to start until just before the due date, resulting in work that did not meet expectations. Part way through the project, Eric Netsch lost or fired his only designer and Eric promised that he would find replacement designers. Eric Netsch failed to find new designers for the project, and instead decided that he would finish the design himself even though this was not his background of speciality. The quality of work product was not good. After time, it became apparent that Eric Netsch was not only producing inferrior work product, but he was also padding his hours and billing for time that he did not actually perform work for. Later, it became known that he had started another company on the side, TapCart, and that it had become his primary focus. All of the web design contracts that Eric Netsch had in place with other vendors were given the minimum amount of attention that Eric Netsch thought he could get away with, to the detriment of those who had contracted with him and been promised very different results. At the same time, Eric was bilking his vendors out of tens of thousands of dollars by continuing to charge for work that he was not actually performing, with his efforts focused on making it appear that he was doing the work.
After months of dealing with inferrior work, lies, and overbilling from Eric Netsch, he was terminated as a vendor. I thought about suing him, based on the fact that he had unjustly profited from his overnilling as well for the cost of having to replace all of the sub-par work that had to be completely replaced by a new vendor, and for the additional costs incurred during the time that were only inucrred due to the detrimential reliance on promises made by Eric Netsch. Given the evidence, sound legal theories, and easy ability to prove damages this case would not be difficult to win, and Eric Netsch would likely have to get an attorney whould would encourage him to settle for a smaller amount of money than he would be sued for.
I still have not decided whether to persue a lawsuit against Eric Netsch or not. Recently, he appears to have become vindictive and is spreading false rumors online about me. While this is libel and I could sue him for it, I don't plan to provided that he ceases and desists these actions and removes his false and misleading online information.