This company advertises nice luxery purses on their website (supported by fake customer reviews with pictures of real purses: YSL, Chanel, Guicci) and then they mail you a fake cheap bag from China. Their customer service is ABYSMAL.
I had to email them dozens of time to return my bag and I haven not recieved my money back. I had to open up a dispute with my credit card account. Don't buy from here, save your time and money. Their claim of 97,000 happy customers is complete bullsh*t.
Tana Elegant Reviews
Order two purses for $244.74 never got my order. Email them several times never got a reply. Took my money. This company is a riff off and scammers
Order two purses for $244.74 dollars and never got my orders. Email them several times never reply. Scammers
This company advertises nice luxery purses on their website (supported by fake customer reviews with pictures of real purses: YSL, Chanel, Guicci) and then they mail you a fake cheap bag from China. Their customer service is ABYSMAL.
I had to email them dozens of time to return my bag and I haven not recieved my money back. I had to open up a dispute with my credit card account. Don't buy from here, save your time and money. Their claim of 97,000 happy customers is complete bullsh*t.