If you hear the name MONICA EATON CARDONE run like hell . She will lie to your face and do anything to make a dollar. Just call and ask her employees who she is ripping off every pay day. This b***h thinks she untouchable. Her business keeps failing because her husband Gary cant put on his pants and control what she doese and she puts the company at risk every day with her lies and deceptions,
Let me tell you a little about what she doese to the employees she makes them lie about checks being sent , locations there at and she refuses to pay over time even though its the law. Even her salaried employees like I used to be are ripped off I took a day off and got my pay cut to min wage but I worked every day and most weekend long over time hours. She is not a business person at all ! The really sad part she gets loyal people to work for her and she back stabbs them in the back. Even her friends and family are stabbed in the back by this b***h! Its time to put MONICA EATON CARDONE where she belongs jail.. I am planning to put a law suit on MRS Cardone for all the lies and deception she has done for her current and past employees.
If you know Monica why dont you ask her a few questions, like why do you force you employees to lie ? Why cant you run a business without running it in to the ground? Why do you think you can break the law and not pay over time even for salaried employees? Why dont you love your children enough to stay home and be a real mom ? every one knows she hates being a mom it a good thing she has a great husband even though he needs to see the big picture. If you would like to join my law suit please let me know . I can use you as a witness or on the suit its self. If your worried about your job I will supeona you to court if that helps. Please join me in puting her out of business for good. I wont stop until she is out of business for good.
Swiss Life Sciences Database Reviews
If you hear the name MONICA EATON CARDONE run like hell . She will lie to your face and do anything to make a dollar. Just call and ask her employees who she is ripping off every pay day. This b***h thinks she untouchable. Her business keeps failing because her husband Gary cant put on his pants and control what she doese and she puts the company at risk every day with her lies and deceptions,
Let me tell you a little about what she doese to the employees she makes them lie about checks being sent , locations there at and she refuses to pay over time even though its the law. Even her salaried employees like I used to be are ripped off I took a day off and got my pay cut to min wage but I worked every day and most weekend long over time hours. She is not a business person at all ! The really sad part she gets loyal people to work for her and she back stabbs them in the back. Even her friends and family are stabbed in the back by this b***h! Its time to put MONICA EATON CARDONE where she belongs jail.. I am planning to put a law suit on MRS Cardone for all the lies and deception she has done for her current and past employees.
If you know Monica why dont you ask her a few questions, like why do you force you employees to lie ? Why cant you run a business without running it in to the ground? Why do you think you can break the law and not pay over time even for salaried employees? Why dont you love your children enough to stay home and be a real mom ? every one knows she hates being a mom it a good thing she has a great husband even though he needs to see the big picture. If you would like to join my law suit please let me know . I can use you as a witness or on the suit its self. If your worried about your job I will supeona you to court if that helps. Please join me in puting her out of business for good. I wont stop until she is out of business for good.