This company has a Web site for ordering face creams. It was for a free trial. When you order and approve the request to pay for free shipping, you are not presented with any conditions of the trial or any way to contact the company. The items were delivered, again without any information about the company or the terms. Then, 14 days later, charges for the items ($90 each) appear on the credit card under three different business names. Upon reaching each of the three companies using the phone numbers on the credit card bill, you will discover that the trial period expired and that the items would be sent every 30 days automatically. This is the URL for the trial page:
The company is listed as Garcinia Supreme, Green Coffee Company, and ApexMed. The customer service people say they don't know the other companies, but have your records for all products.
Supremia Anti-Aging Formula Reviews
This company has a Web site for ordering face creams. It was for a free trial. When you order and approve the request to pay for free shipping, you are not presented with any conditions of the trial or any way to contact the company. The items were delivered, again without any information about the company or the terms. Then, 14 days later, charges for the items ($90 each) appear on the credit card under three different business names. Upon reaching each of the three companies using the phone numbers on the credit card bill, you will discover that the trial period expired and that the items would be sent every 30 days automatically. This is the URL for the trial page:
The company is listed as Garcinia Supreme, Green Coffee Company, and ApexMed. The customer service people say they don't know the other companies, but have your records for all products.