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Supple LLC Reviews
Herbal drinks plus herbal supplement capsules to help joint aches, energy, well being.
After 2 1\2 days, broke out in rashes and hives.
From my scalp to bottom of feet.
Haven't taken anymore-its been 5 days, AND itching won't stop.
Even my crotch itches. The more you scratch- it gets worse and worse.
Its miserable! Pharmacist and ER dose benedryll and steroids.
Called for a refund- only used 2 1\2 days - its a 7 week supply.
Asked for the company to send me a prepaid return shipping form- they refused.
I paid $169.90.
Its going to probably cost at least $30 to $40 to return the unused - 7 week supply.
Since its herbal, its not FDA regulated.
There's no warnings that could potentially kill you- if you have an allergic reaction.
I'm not allergic to foods nor vitamins.
Apparently extremely allergic to this herb.
Its called 50 mg /20% AKBA.
Boswellia Extract.
Its claims to be a dietary supplement.