About two months ago, a booking agency found me and put me on the bill for bb king's sunday sept 20, 2015. Feeling the heavy pressure of ticket sales needing to be sold but having very little spare time to do it on my own, i posted an ad on craigslist seeking someone with pr or marketing experience who could sell tickets for me. Steve bikusa contacted me shortly, and we met at dunkin donuts to discuss the details.
This man is very unprofessional. He tries to make himself sound like some executive promotions agent on his social media accounts, but he is really a student at the art institute who has no knowledge of how the music business works, enough to where the "artists" he manages are regular performers at cover band bars. He will do whatever he can to try to cover up his fraud by claiming he's "helping" all these artists, but i, an artist myself was directly scammed by this man.
I hired him to sell presale tickets for me.
He never meets the quota: i asked him to sell at least 20 or 30. When confronted assertively and not aggressively by any means, he comes back at me immaturely and throws a big attitude and tells me he "quit" and "it's not working". He then crawls back to me three days later in a text message promising me that if i gave him the tickets he never sold back, he will sell 20 or 30 as long as i let one of his "clients" open for him. He so uneducatedly even tries to barter extending his opening set. He knows nothing about the music industry. It is very standard for openers to simply open and play a couple of songs.
Two days before the show, i asked steven to come by my house and drop off the cash sales. He tells me "yeah i gotchu" Once again, he is very unprofessional) and as soon as i mention the cash owed, which is close to a hundred dollars, he shuts up and never shows up to drop them off as agreed.
He ran off with the money. It was almost 100 dollars in ticket sales that he just took off with. After months of giving me an attitude and trying to make me look like the bad guy. He committed a theft and for that, i will not stop at this.
Obviously of course, a true pr agent would not try to run off with someone's money even after failing a very simple quota that was constantly extended as my way to "work with him", now i've learned my lesson to not trust people like this,
Artists of nashville, if this man ever offers to sell advanced tickets for you or become your "artist manager", please run, run as far as you can, you would have better luck walking into the music business program at belmont and having a student who is actually studying a music business program and degree to pose as your artist manager, because this man is fraudulent and a thief and is taking advantages of artists everywhere. From what he told me, he's tried this in texas, in new orleans, in florida--we have an uneducated thief walking around posing as an entertainment professional while he attends a community art college in a study and field that does not even involve music business.
Keyword, regardless of all that, he is a thief. Do not trust him with your money, your business affairs...This is a man who thinks that broadway is the music industry of nashville.
Steven Bikusa Reviews
About two months ago, a booking agency found me and put me on the bill for bb king's sunday sept 20, 2015. Feeling the heavy pressure of ticket sales needing to be sold but having very little spare time to do it on my own, i posted an ad on craigslist seeking someone with pr or marketing experience who could sell tickets for me. Steve bikusa contacted me shortly, and we met at dunkin donuts to discuss the details.
This man is very unprofessional. He tries to make himself sound like some executive promotions agent on his social media accounts, but he is really a student at the art institute who has no knowledge of how the music business works, enough to where the "artists" he manages are regular performers at cover band bars. He will do whatever he can to try to cover up his fraud by claiming he's "helping" all these artists, but i, an artist myself was directly scammed by this man.
I hired him to sell presale tickets for me.
He never meets the quota: i asked him to sell at least 20 or 30. When confronted assertively and not aggressively by any means, he comes back at me immaturely and throws a big attitude and tells me he "quit" and "it's not working". He then crawls back to me three days later in a text message promising me that if i gave him the tickets he never sold back, he will sell 20 or 30 as long as i let one of his "clients" open for him. He so uneducatedly even tries to barter extending his opening set. He knows nothing about the music industry. It is very standard for openers to simply open and play a couple of songs.
Two days before the show, i asked steven to come by my house and drop off the cash sales. He tells me "yeah i gotchu" Once again, he is very unprofessional) and as soon as i mention the cash owed, which is close to a hundred dollars, he shuts up and never shows up to drop them off as agreed.
He ran off with the money. It was almost 100 dollars in ticket sales that he just took off with. After months of giving me an attitude and trying to make me look like the bad guy. He committed a theft and for that, i will not stop at this.
Obviously of course, a true pr agent would not try to run off with someone's money even after failing a very simple quota that was constantly extended as my way to "work with him", now i've learned my lesson to not trust people like this,
Artists of nashville, if this man ever offers to sell advanced tickets for you or become your "artist manager", please run, run as far as you can, you would have better luck walking into the music business program at belmont and having a student who is actually studying a music business program and degree to pose as your artist manager, because this man is fraudulent and a thief and is taking advantages of artists everywhere. From what he told me, he's tried this in texas, in new orleans, in florida--we have an uneducated thief walking around posing as an entertainment professional while he attends a community art college in a study and field that does not even involve music business.
Keyword, regardless of all that, he is a thief. Do not trust him with your money, your business affairs...This is a man who thinks that broadway is the music industry of nashville.