I wish I could move on, but the truth is I will never be able to forget and forgive Steve Taylor for what he did. I have been a very hard worker when it comes to my favorite thing in the world basketball! I am getting old now and I still make a effort to shoot every single day, this has been a theme in my life since I was 10 years old! My mom and dad can vouch for this, so no great shooters are not just given the talent of "shooting" to be a great shooter you must practice more than anyone - steph curry has done this but with his dribbling now just watch any game he played at Davidson then watch a game today. Anyways the main point I want to make clear is noone out worked me when it came to extra hours in the gym. So you would expect a coach like Steve Taylor to commemorate a player who shoot more freethrows than anyone else but 1,000+ shots made! Not to mention I was about a 85%-88% freethrow shooter back then(today I can make 80/100 all day but back then I practiced more so I never missed matter a fact I shoot 100% for my career since Freshman haha what a joke. Anyways I don't even think coach taylor reviewed my work because he already knew in his mind I was mormon, I wasn't from Rocklin, & most importantly my father doesn't go for the being bullied into donating so my son is on your good side. I would love for Steve Taylor to have the balls to admit the truth and explain how a player who makes 9 three's, yes I said 9 three's the day before a big JV Trip which was Saint Mary's and I had gone the year before with the older guys because they were impressed with my play so they vouched for me and Steve Taylor let me come. The funny part is I felt so d**n good after that and when I was told by the coach I wasn't coming to the trip it completly confused me, this would be Steve Taylor hiring Dim-Witted coache's who do exacly as Steve Taylor wants - winning is important at all(unless your Varsity) I will say 1 positive thing about all my teammates not 1 would lie or act like I wasn't the best player at my position we all knew eachother long enough and we played all the time alone without coach taylor around so yay I did make a point to make sure the Buttweiler's and Eaton's of this world know there not even close to being the player I am. I literally played games with Eaton who was my grade and as for the younger kid I loved him great kid great attitude but I would out shoot him 10 out 10 handsdown.
Well I hate to keep going on but there's a lot more to this and I am satisfied with getting it out there to leave it at this- the man isnt a good person he has hit on 2 girls who were under 18 years when I was at Rocklin High, he talks all about hard work and he cant stay sober more than a week! 2 DUI's when I was there brushed under the rug as long as we were winning Arco was on the schedule plus Thunder Basketball payed for everything plus more - Football has to barrow from Basketball program! HAHA there is a lot more I can but I am not out for blood I just want to forget a bad man took my dream away - all I wanted to do was play highschool basketball! It kills me today because if he would have just accepted me I would have donte anything for the team not to mention all I want to do is win, I know based on my talent he can't justify the way I was treated. We has a great player in my class too, me and him were good friends then I think he knew I could help him win a few games so we always tried to get in extra work together so coach taylor would know I was shooting late night with his star - it sickening to know these coaches have this much power. I was very hurt by losing my dream so I began trying to hide my pain with partying so my senior year I still made honor school was easy to me but instead of being a great student athlete representing the school in a positive way I was the the complete oposite. Being popular is fun but I would rather be the kid with no friends as long as I got to play varsity basketball and show the world what i'v been practicing my whole life! Maybe that's why it bothers me so, I have this skill still and it useless now, there are no teams to make just old men who want to get beat in these boring rec. leagues.
Well that's alll I want to share about Mr. Steve Taylor for now and I am sorry I had to talk about myself so much but it was necassary to understand Taylor's no concern for anyone who isn't in his little club. I will continue to pray to ask the lord for something positive come out of this cuz all I am getting is negative emotions still and when someone said Rocklin High School Hired Taylor it discusted me that pervert drunk is a terrible role model and shouldn't be allowed to work with minors he ruins lives, I know 2-3 others from my term who feel more hatred for this man....
Steve Taylor Reviews
I wish I could move on, but the truth is I will never be able to forget and forgive Steve Taylor for what he did. I have been a very hard worker when it comes to my favorite thing in the world basketball! I am getting old now and I still make a effort to shoot every single day, this has been a theme in my life since I was 10 years old! My mom and dad can vouch for this, so no great shooters are not just given the talent of "shooting" to be a great shooter you must practice more than anyone - steph curry has done this but with his dribbling now just watch any game he played at Davidson then watch a game today. Anyways the main point I want to make clear is noone out worked me when it came to extra hours in the gym. So you would expect a coach like Steve Taylor to commemorate a player who shoot more freethrows than anyone else but 1,000+ shots made! Not to mention I was about a 85%-88% freethrow shooter back then(today I can make 80/100 all day but back then I practiced more so I never missed matter a fact I shoot 100% for my career since Freshman haha what a joke. Anyways I don't even think coach taylor reviewed my work because he already knew in his mind I was mormon, I wasn't from Rocklin, & most importantly my father doesn't go for the being bullied into donating so my son is on your good side. I would love for Steve Taylor to have the balls to admit the truth and explain how a player who makes 9 three's, yes I said 9 three's the day before a big JV Trip which was Saint Mary's and I had gone the year before with the older guys because they were impressed with my play so they vouched for me and Steve Taylor let me come. The funny part is I felt so d**n good after that and when I was told by the coach I wasn't coming to the trip it completly confused me, this would be Steve Taylor hiring Dim-Witted coache's who do exacly as Steve Taylor wants - winning is important at all(unless your Varsity) I will say 1 positive thing about all my teammates not 1 would lie or act like I wasn't the best player at my position we all knew eachother long enough and we played all the time alone without coach taylor around so yay I did make a point to make sure the Buttweiler's and Eaton's of this world know there not even close to being the player I am. I literally played games with Eaton who was my grade and as for the younger kid I loved him great kid great attitude but I would out shoot him 10 out 10 handsdown.
Well I hate to keep going on but there's a lot more to this and I am satisfied with getting it out there to leave it at this- the man isnt a good person he has hit on 2 girls who were under 18 years when I was at Rocklin High, he talks all about hard work and he cant stay sober more than a week! 2 DUI's when I was there brushed under the rug as long as we were winning Arco was on the schedule plus Thunder Basketball payed for everything plus more - Football has to barrow from Basketball program! HAHA there is a lot more I can but I am not out for blood I just want to forget a bad man took my dream away - all I wanted to do was play highschool basketball! It kills me today because if he would have just accepted me I would have donte anything for the team not to mention all I want to do is win, I know based on my talent he can't justify the way I was treated. We has a great player in my class too, me and him were good friends then I think he knew I could help him win a few games so we always tried to get in extra work together so coach taylor would know I was shooting late night with his star - it sickening to know these coaches have this much power. I was very hurt by losing my dream so I began trying to hide my pain with partying so my senior year I still made honor school was easy to me but instead of being a great student athlete representing the school in a positive way I was the the complete oposite. Being popular is fun but I would rather be the kid with no friends as long as I got to play varsity basketball and show the world what i'v been practicing my whole life! Maybe that's why it bothers me so, I have this skill still and it useless now, there are no teams to make just old men who want to get beat in these boring rec. leagues.
Well that's alll I want to share about Mr. Steve Taylor for now and I am sorry I had to talk about myself so much but it was necassary to understand Taylor's no concern for anyone who isn't in his little club. I will continue to pray to ask the lord for something positive come out of this cuz all I am getting is negative emotions still and when someone said Rocklin High School Hired Taylor it discusted me that pervert drunk is a terrible role model and shouldn't be allowed to work with minors he ruins lives, I know 2-3 others from my term who feel more hatred for this man....