I ordered what was supposed to be an authentic replica of a John Stallworth jersey. It was advised it would take between 7-12 days to ship and it has not been received. I was given a fake tracking number. And was not made aware it was an international company that would be supplying the merchandise, until I saw an internation fee attached in addition to the payment on my bank account.. Attempts to contact the seller to demand a refund or further information have gone unanswered. Through an internet search after the fact, I've learned many have been scammed.
Steelersnflofficialonline.com Reviews
I ordered what was supposed to be an authentic replica of a John Stallworth jersey. It was advised it would take between 7-12 days to ship and it has not been received. I was given a fake tracking number. And was not made aware it was an international company that would be supplying the merchandise, until I saw an internation fee attached in addition to the payment on my bank account.. Attempts to contact the seller to demand a refund or further information have gone unanswered. Through an internet search after the fact, I've learned many have been scammed.