These people are total scammers. I signed up for one of their six week programs and was told I got a personal coach whom would connect with me individually and put together a plan that was "unique and invidividualized." I was totally bait and switched and told only after I paid that I would never even speak personally with a coach but rather that my individual coach would communicate only on facebook and email. I replied I wanted phone communication and had been expecting it. At this point, they should have offered me a refund as this was NOT made clear.
I also found out details on the program only after paying-- extensive food scale work, which didn't work for me because I traveled, and dogmatic reaching four different numbers which seemed arbitrarily determined. These are people posing as nutritionists with no background on the matter. I informed them this was not at all what I thought I had signed up for, and instead of doing the right thing and refunding my money, they kept trying to get me to do their program. Mind you this was a week before the program even started and they should have let me out given at this point two misunderstandings. They said, well you paid for it, you might as well do it. Imagine my dismay when of course, due to travel and not having fridges nearby, I could not master their program and not only that, they shamed me for not being able to do it. I spoke with a friend who counsels people in eating disorders (which i thankfully don't have), and they told me this kind of dogmatic, shaming and insistence on doing rigid programs that won't work for someone, not only sets people up for failure, it makes them feel bad and makes weight loss profoundly harder for people. I am so distressed at how these people went about their business. They failed to disclose the terms of their sale until after the sale, then refused to give me my money back once they did. If someone says something I sell is not for them, even if they pay for it, if they haven't started yet I would totally refund their money. Especially if they felt i'd not been up front with them. Why argue? If it's not a fit it is not a fit.
AVOID THESE SCAMMERS and go to a real CREDENTIALED nutirionist, who focuses on individualized advice rather than money grubbing, baiting and switching and insisting on a one size fits all approach. I can't stress enough how potentially dangerous their hard core sales tactics and poor customer service is. They're in it for them, not you.
Stay Fit Mom Reviews
These people are total scammers. I signed up for one of their six week programs and was told I got a personal coach whom would connect with me individually and put together a plan that was "unique and invidividualized." I was totally bait and switched and told only after I paid that I would never even speak personally with a coach but rather that my individual coach would communicate only on facebook and email. I replied I wanted phone communication and had been expecting it. At this point, they should have offered me a refund as this was NOT made clear.
I also found out details on the program only after paying-- extensive food scale work, which didn't work for me because I traveled, and dogmatic reaching four different numbers which seemed arbitrarily determined. These are people posing as nutritionists with no background on the matter. I informed them this was not at all what I thought I had signed up for, and instead of doing the right thing and refunding my money, they kept trying to get me to do their program. Mind you this was a week before the program even started and they should have let me out given at this point two misunderstandings. They said, well you paid for it, you might as well do it. Imagine my dismay when of course, due to travel and not having fridges nearby, I could not master their program and not only that, they shamed me for not being able to do it. I spoke with a friend who counsels people in eating disorders (which i thankfully don't have), and they told me this kind of dogmatic, shaming and insistence on doing rigid programs that won't work for someone, not only sets people up for failure, it makes them feel bad and makes weight loss profoundly harder for people. I am so distressed at how these people went about their business. They failed to disclose the terms of their sale until after the sale, then refused to give me my money back once they did. If someone says something I sell is not for them, even if they pay for it, if they haven't started yet I would totally refund their money. Especially if they felt i'd not been up front with them. Why argue? If it's not a fit it is not a fit.
AVOID THESE SCAMMERS and go to a real CREDENTIALED nutirionist, who focuses on individualized advice rather than money grubbing, baiting and switching and insisting on a one size fits all approach. I can't stress enough how potentially dangerous their hard core sales tactics and poor customer service is. They're in it for them, not you.