About as f*cking insulting as Trump is to his female staff. Couldn't even discern the fact that I have edema to the point I can even see my ankles.
Even had to insult my intelligence about what the difference was between blood pressure and heart rate after I got the terms mixed up.
I have been having pain in my chest for the last two years above my heart but its not a heart problem? Mhmm...yeah, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Not.
Had the f*cking gull to act like he knew my care, my body and my condition better than I did. And they had the balls to try and charge me a copay.
South Denver Cardiology Associates Reviews
This event occured in May 2019,
About as f*cking insulting as Trump is to his female staff. Couldn't even discern the fact that I have edema to the point I can even see my ankles.
Even had to insult my intelligence about what the difference was between blood pressure and heart rate after I got the terms mixed up.
I have been having pain in my chest for the last two years above my heart but its not a heart problem? Mhmm...yeah, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Not.
Had the f*cking gull to act like he knew my care, my body and my condition better than I did. And they had the balls to try and charge me a copay.
Three words: Go F*ck Yourself.