I placed tree orders and they sent me the materials.
When i ordered for the fourth time, without any reason they divided it in two parts, sending one package to the right address, and the other one to another country, thousands miles away. I tracked my deliveries and asked to smokey what was going on, and they replied that it was everything ok, even the second package, but they were saying lies, only lies in fact that package never arrived.
Bè careful because this is the way they are scamming now !!!
They are organized scammers and cover each other alex-matt-will
Avoid this site .
I also believe that is the same stuff of gr8researchchem...
I was looking for chemicals for research I was doing and I ordered $500.00 worth of an analog powder that was supposed to be a benzodiazepine . They sent me baby powder !!!
SmokeysChemsite.com Reviews
I placed tree orders and they sent me the materials.
When i ordered for the fourth time, without any reason they divided it in two parts, sending one package to the right address, and the other one to another country, thousands miles away. I tracked my deliveries and asked to smokey what was going on, and they replied that it was everything ok, even the second package, but they were saying lies, only lies in fact that package never arrived.
Bè careful because this is the way they are scamming now !!!
They are organized scammers and cover each other alex-matt-will
Avoid this site .
I also believe that is the same stuff of gr8researchchem...
Scammed me and never gave any products website is changing and do not order u will get 100% scammed
I was looking for chemicals for research I was doing and I ordered $500.00 worth of an analog powder that was supposed to be a benzodiazepine . They sent me baby powder !!!