Buyer's Beware! This store is a ripoff! they will charge you excessive late fees of almost $20 anytime after the 10 day your payment is due. If you do not pay the whole monthly amount due you will again have this late fee added to your account. They try to make it hard for you to own the merchandise so they will keep adding late fees. I am down to my final payment which was roughly $108 when I went in to pay my account off they argued stating I now owe $145! such a joke! I quess this is how they make money$$$$ off of their account holders. So Shady! Buyer's beware don't do business here!
Sims Furniture Reviews
Buyer's Beware! This store is a ripoff! they will charge you excessive late fees of almost $20 anytime after the 10 day your payment is due. If you do not pay the whole monthly amount due you will again have this late fee added to your account. They try to make it hard for you to own the merchandise so they will keep adding late fees. I am down to my final payment which was roughly $108 when I went in to pay my account off they argued stating I now owe $145! such a joke! I quess this is how they make money$$$$ off of their account holders. So Shady! Buyer's beware don't do business here!