If you appear in Santa Monica for an administrative hearing, don't even bother thinking Sheri Ross will take your hearing seriously. Hearing Examiner Sheri Ross is an independent contractor with the City of Santa Monica, paid by ACS (the Xerox-owned company that processes parking citations for municipalities). The Parking Violations Bureau is a sub-contractor of ACS State and Local Solutions, a Xerox subsidiary that manages parking ticket paperwork and other administrative services for Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City and West Hollywood (“Westside Cities”) and many other cities in this country and abroad. If a ticket is reversed, her bosses, a for profit publicly traded company, don't get paid.
“Parking citation hearing examiner services” are provided by ACS and overseen by a division of the City Finance Department. Hearing examiner Sheri Ross renegotiated a 5 year contract with the city in 2012 to the tune of $400,000
Sheri E. Ross Reviews
If you appear in Santa Monica for an administrative hearing, don't even bother thinking Sheri Ross will take your hearing seriously. Hearing Examiner Sheri Ross is an independent contractor with the City of Santa Monica, paid by ACS (the Xerox-owned company that processes parking citations for municipalities). The Parking Violations Bureau is a sub-contractor of ACS State and Local Solutions, a Xerox subsidiary that manages parking ticket paperwork and other administrative services for Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City and West Hollywood (“Westside Cities”) and many other cities in this country and abroad. If a ticket is reversed, her bosses, a for profit publicly traded company, don't get paid.
“Parking citation hearing examiner services” are provided by ACS and overseen by a division of the City Finance Department. Hearing examiner Sheri Ross renegotiated a 5 year contract with the city in 2012 to the tune of $400,000