I ordered two folding beach chairs on July 5, 2020, and have not received them as of September 20, 2020. I got nowhere trying to go directly through the seller, so I filed a claim with Paypal, Paypal denied the claim because the shipping tracking showed the order was delivered to me.
What I did received was two small bags that might possibly hold toddler size chairs. I have no use for the bags, and now I don't have a use for the chairs, even if I did receive them. I asked the seller for a refund, but of course, never received it, either. I didn't know I was ordering invisible Chinese beach clairs. Please help!
Shenzhen Xianglong International Trading Co., Ltd. Reviews
On 07-09-2020,I ordered 2 folding chaird for $39.98 total cost. Have not received any thing.
I ordered two folding beach chairs on July 5, 2020, and have not received them as of September 20, 2020. I got nowhere trying to go directly through the seller, so I filed a claim with Paypal, Paypal denied the claim because the shipping tracking showed the order was delivered to me.
What I did received was two small bags that might possibly hold toddler size chairs. I have no use for the bags, and now I don't have a use for the chairs, even if I did receive them. I asked the seller for a refund, but of course, never received it, either. I didn't know I was ordering invisible Chinese beach clairs. Please help!