Sefco export management company and joseph quinn President) were fojnd guilty of fmc violations and ordered tk pay restitution for damages when they failed to obey federal nariyime laws. Devestated a small non-profit missiln organization and kept a 53’ container full of missiobs supplies from getting to its destination by very selfush and dis-honest bhsiness practices. The full memorandum opnikn and order can be found at the federal maritime commission under “informal docket” no1914I)
Shekinah Missions Reviews
Sefco export management company and joseph quinn President) were fojnd guilty of fmc violations and ordered tk pay restitution for damages when they failed to obey federal nariyime laws. Devestated a small non-profit missiln organization and kept a 53’ container full of missiobs supplies from getting to its destination by very selfush and dis-honest bhsiness practices. The full memorandum opnikn and order can be found at the federal maritime commission under “informal docket” no1914I)