As I stated above I ordered using my husbands Visa Credit Card (David Willoughby ) the product Keto Tablets, FIVE times and I recieved FIVE different Keto diet Pills. What is wrong with your company? Why didnt I recieve the Keto Tablets that I ordered? I did take the Keto Pills I recieved, so that I could lose weight before the September wedding I was to attend, Unfortually I only lost 7 1/2 pounds in three months. Not what I was expecting.
I recieved (1) Keto Slimx (2) Keto Advanced (3) Keto Natural Thrive (4) Keto One Shot and (5) Keto Uslimx... All of were Diet Pills and I ordered your Keto Tablet, the one you drink at 8;30 pm and it is to help lose fat/weight.. Iam so discussed in your scam to have people make an order and then recieve something different. It Horrible.
I belive Iam owed the Keto Tablets FREE of charge since I did not request my money back on the FIVE orders I placed and recieved, If this complaint is ignored and I recieve nothing my next step will be BBB.............. [email protected]
Shark Tank Keto Representives Reviews
As I stated above I ordered using my husbands Visa Credit Card (David Willoughby ) the product Keto Tablets, FIVE times and I recieved FIVE different Keto diet Pills. What is wrong with your company? Why didnt I recieve the Keto Tablets that I ordered? I did take the Keto Pills I recieved, so that I could lose weight before the September wedding I was to attend, Unfortually I only lost 7 1/2 pounds in three months. Not what I was expecting.
I recieved (1) Keto Slimx (2) Keto Advanced (3) Keto Natural Thrive (4) Keto One Shot and (5) Keto Uslimx... All of were Diet Pills and I ordered your Keto Tablet, the one you drink at 8;30 pm and it is to help lose fat/weight.. Iam so discussed in your scam to have people make an order and then recieve something different. It Horrible.
I belive Iam owed the Keto Tablets FREE of charge since I did not request my money back on the FIVE orders I placed and recieved, If this complaint is ignored and I recieve nothing my next step will be BBB.............. [email protected]