For an entry fee of only $60 you have a income center that will always keep paying you! They are supposed to send a Shaboxx after only 16 have followed you!
This is a monoline Multilevel after 533 people follow you are supposed to get a payout of $400, $100 will be used to purchase two more income centers and you will start the income process over again but will now be twice the money. This time you are supposed to get $800 and $200 will be used to purchase 4 more centers. When 533 more people follow you they are supposed to pay you $1600 using $400 to give you 8 more income centers again after 533 follow you are supposed to get $3200!!! $5300 total! Now you take your own $60 and start all over again! After over 9000 centers after me: Reviews
For an entry fee of only $60 you have a income center that will always keep paying you! They are supposed to send a Shaboxx after only 16 have followed you!
This is a monoline Multilevel after 533 people follow you are supposed to get a payout of $400, $100 will be used to purchase two more income centers and you will start the income process over again but will now be twice the money. This time you are supposed to get $800 and $200 will be used to purchase 4 more centers. When 533 more people follow you they are supposed to pay you $1600 using $400 to give you 8 more income centers again after 533 follow you are supposed to get $3200!!! $5300 total! Now you take your own $60 and start all over again! After over 9000 centers after me:
I still have not recieved one thin dime!