This individual will do a loan with his buddy / dads employee and put you in a place where you can lose your home regardless of all the right steps you take, he knows he is not supposed to be doing these loans, his company will not back him up and you are on your own. You will be depositing your mortgage payment directly into someone’s personal bank account. They don’t tell you this, they tell you everything is on the up and up... it’s NOT! Check with the mortgage lending division of Nevada! Also CFPB! This is not something they should be doing. Don’t learn the hard way... RUN LIKE HELL!
SecurityNational Mortgage Company Reviews
This individual will do a loan with his buddy / dads employee and put you in a place where you can lose your home regardless of all the right steps you take, he knows he is not supposed to be doing these loans, his company will not back him up and you are on your own. You will be depositing your mortgage payment directly into someone’s personal bank account. They don’t tell you this, they tell you everything is on the up and up... it’s NOT! Check with the mortgage lending division of Nevada! Also CFPB! This is not something they should be doing. Don’t learn the hard way... RUN LIKE HELL!