My credit score is going down, because Security Finance has not reported any updates to the Credit Burrow for the past year. It is hard to get a bank account or any loans because of them not reporting , so credit scores can go up. When looking at my credit report it shows how many days out with out payment. I have paid off my loan and it shows that I still owe money. This is stressful. Go to apply for jobs and they do a credit check and you can't get it , because of Sercurity Finance not doing their job. I used a debt card to pay my account off.
Security Finance Reviews
My credit score is going down, because Security Finance has not reported any updates to the Credit Burrow for the past year. It is hard to get a bank account or any loans because of them not reporting , so credit scores can go up. When looking at my credit report it shows how many days out with out payment. I have paid off my loan and it shows that I still owe money. This is stressful. Go to apply for jobs and they do a credit check and you can't get it , because of Sercurity Finance not doing their job. I used a debt card to pay my account off.