Do not throw your money away on this contest. It is run by an unscrupulous filmmaker who is currently under investigation for fraud by the State of California and has multiple legal actions against it for employment violations, including not paying employees and illegally performing background checks on employees without their consent.
The company also has a proven track record for abusing investors to the point of investors withdrawing funds from two projects, one mid-production. More on that here: The company’s sole motivation for running this contest is to take creative control of your project for the singular purpose of promoting the company’s owner, Kellie Madison. You will be given no credit what-so-ever and should the contest not fully fund, you will not get a refund given the company’s established past conduct.
You are better off saving your money and producing your own project.
Script 2 Screens Reviews
Do not throw your money away on this contest. It is run by an unscrupulous filmmaker who is currently under investigation for fraud by the State of California and has multiple legal actions against it for employment violations, including not paying employees and illegally performing background checks on employees without their consent.
The company also has a proven track record for abusing investors to the point of investors withdrawing funds from two projects, one mid-production. More on that here: The company’s sole motivation for running this contest is to take creative control of your project for the singular purpose of promoting the company’s owner, Kellie Madison. You will be given no credit what-so-ever and should the contest not fully fund, you will not get a refund given the company’s established past conduct.
You are better off saving your money and producing your own project.