Scott Queathem lies about having money. Writes bad checks. In PPP business and sells products that aren’t there then will block your number. Associate of criminal Michael Shine.
Daughter married to her cousin and he will say he needs money for surgery for his grandkids because they have defects from being born of incest. Avoid at all costs. Puts everything in Heather Clemmens’ name so he won’t get sued.
Scott Queathem Reviews
Scott Queathem lies about having money. Writes bad checks. In PPP business and sells products that aren’t there then will block your number. Associate of criminal Michael Shine.
Daughter married to her cousin and he will say he needs money for surgery for his grandkids because they have defects from being born of incest. Avoid at all costs. Puts everything in Heather Clemmens’ name so he won’t get sued.