For over 1 year there has been an anonimous caller to the SC C&YS claiming there has been abuse to 2 minors, after the report is closed the so called person that has been calling; calls again and the case continues to be open and its an on going harrasment for more than 12 months to be exact. SS personnel has reported to the HOR for the mother of the children, no evidence of neglicence has been reported, no signs of child abuse had been reported except the "anonimous calls" of course, we are going to get a lawyer and subpoena the phone records for the 1 person that "anonimously called" and identify the racial discrimination and we will persue a lawsuit against that one particular person of reputation that has the only job to defend children against neglected parents, by no means our case. -we cant subpoena the gov phone line but we can question their integrity, i have seen the most brutal and discouraging way of treating a single mom who had to drop off from college because SS stated she needed to get a job if not they would remove the kids! Really? without a college degree tell me what kind of job can she get? She was ordered drug testing everytime and she did the testing without any question because she is clean, has always been clean as a matter of fact is in the process to join the Army, SS is telling her if she fails to file for full custody of her kids they will remove the kids from her HOR , under what circumstance? The father is not part of the babies life, he hasnt been for over a year. A shame to have a system that is so bad and lacking of planning and problem solving, you have a problem how about looking where the problem started and get a solution? Keep digging a little more and i will guarantee some peoples job will be vacant. She is not alone and this racial discrimination will end soon i promise.
SS needs better supervisors that can guarantee their employees are not being manipulated and bribed by individuals with lots of money. Some agencies need people with dignity and respect for all people not just with people with high income and teaching positions. Time is a blessing and it will prove that a good parent is there for their kids good and bad . And will also prove that a person of dignity and respect with knowledge and ethic will always do what is right , unless taken in front of a judge to explain the harrasment they have put individuals thru.
Schuylkill County Children and Youth Reviews
For over 1 year there has been an anonimous caller to the SC C&YS claiming there has been abuse to 2 minors, after the report is closed the so called person that has been calling; calls again and the case continues to be open and its an on going harrasment for more than 12 months to be exact. SS personnel has reported to the HOR for the mother of the children, no evidence of neglicence has been reported, no signs of child abuse had been reported except the "anonimous calls" of course, we are going to get a lawyer and subpoena the phone records for the 1 person that "anonimously called" and identify the racial discrimination and we will persue a lawsuit against that one particular person of reputation that has the only job to defend children against neglected parents, by no means our case. -we cant subpoena the gov phone line but we can question their integrity, i have seen the most brutal and discouraging way of treating a single mom who had to drop off from college because SS stated she needed to get a job if not they would remove the kids! Really? without a college degree tell me what kind of job can she get? She was ordered drug testing everytime and she did the testing without any question because she is clean, has always been clean as a matter of fact is in the process to join the Army, SS is telling her if she fails to file for full custody of her kids they will remove the kids from her HOR , under what circumstance? The father is not part of the babies life, he hasnt been for over a year. A shame to have a system that is so bad and lacking of planning and problem solving, you have a problem how about looking where the problem started and get a solution? Keep digging a little more and i will guarantee some peoples job will be vacant. She is not alone and this racial discrimination will end soon i promise.
SS needs better supervisors that can guarantee their employees are not being manipulated and bribed by individuals with lots of money. Some agencies need people with dignity and respect for all people not just with people with high income and teaching positions. Time is a blessing and it will prove that a good parent is there for their kids good and bad . And will also prove that a person of dignity and respect with knowledge and ethic will always do what is right , unless taken in front of a judge to explain the harrasment they have put individuals thru.