Wild for life foundation founder katia louise gentile files several complaints & cross complaints Riverside cty hec1709121) in attempt to quiet whistleblowers.
Nonprofit & husband evicted from anza housing tract where almost 100 animals including multiple unaltered wild range stallions were kept standing in pens april 2017. Org advertising desperate need to immediately rehome remainder of rescue herd as founder prepares for trial in riverside superior court case mcc1700177.
Saving America's horses Reviews
Saving america's horses
Wild for life foundation founder katia louise gentile files several complaints & cross complaints Riverside cty hec1709121) in attempt to quiet whistleblowers.
Nonprofit & husband evicted from anza housing tract where almost 100 animals including multiple unaltered wild range stallions were kept standing in pens april 2017. Org advertising desperate need to immediately rehome remainder of rescue herd as founder prepares for trial in riverside superior court case mcc1700177.
Couple formerly accused of fraud & extortion.
Discovery underway for crimlnal investigation.