They will ask for 30% TT payments, makes fake documents to cheat buyers. Sometimes they will even use real documents but will change the consignee after receiving your full payments. Beware of this guy and his lies. He cheated my client 9 containers of chicken paws and most documents were made up and couldn't be use to retrieve any containers. Both JBS and BRF informed me that they have no relationship with this guy and he claimed all his products are from these two companies in Brazil. Reviews
They will ask for 30% TT payments, makes fake documents to cheat buyers. Sometimes they will even use real documents but will change the consignee after receiving your full payments. Beware of this guy and his lies. He cheated my client 9 containers of chicken paws and most documents were made up and couldn't be use to retrieve any containers. Both JBS and BRF informed me that they have no relationship with this guy and he claimed all his products are from these two companies in Brazil.