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report scamCountry | United States |
State | California |
City | San Diego |
Address | 720 E San Ysidro Blvd |
Phone | 619-690-8900 |
Website | |
San Ysidro Port of Entry Reviews
Falsely accused and intimated by us bored patrol I visited Tijuana Mexico by foot for a few hours on Wednesday 8/17/2016. I went to sho and bought a glass tobacco pipe during my visit and was told I would be able to carry it back to the states with me. When I was crosssing the border and going through customs I asked one of the workers if It was OK that I brought the pipe back with me he said "come with me and I followed him into a large offie/ holding room where deveral emolyeess were working. I was told in a very aggressive and rude maner by a woman to sit down and shut up. I hadn't said anything and was immediately shocked and scared.I sat there in silence for a few minutes and went to get u to go to the counter to speak with one of the employees to try and get info on what was going on.As soon as I stood uo the same lady who was yelling at me before said Sit down you have a fire arm.. I said what i dont have a gun and she responded lodley to me and the other workers saying I saw a gun right guys? na the other worksers nodded. I sat down and started to cry in fear becaue I was just falsley accused of having a firearm and had no rights at that point.I was illegally being intimitated and was a victim of missue of police power. I was finnaly realesed and when i left I asked for the lady officers name and they refused to give it to me and responded by asking if I want more trouble? I am a 29yr blonde american resident of the US and the emlpoyee that made the false accusation of me having a gun was a older african american woman woman and I feel I she treated me like that based on my looks and appearance.