Sality Youth, aka Youth sality works hand in glove with Youth Priority to market skin care and weight loss products at exhorbitant prices. They advertise on the internet and via email lists enticing victims with the promise of a sample sent for a handling fee ($4.95 and/or $6.94). A product is then shipped and 15 days later charges for $99.01 and $98.71 appear on the sampler's credit card where only $11.89 was expected. The victim calls only to find that they were subscribed.
The victim is informed that the supposed trial product was actually a month's supply. Though they will canx future shipments/bills, the $99.01 and $98.71 are fait accompli. When the victim says that they will not pay, the company rep offers to reduce the charges by 50%. If that is refused, the company rep then offers to reduce the charges by 75%. Best bet is to cancel any subscription, and notify credit card company of the scam. The power of a Mastercards, or Visa, or whatever is such that the transaction will be voided (will take up to 90 days.
Sality Youth Garcinia Reviews
Sality Youth, aka Youth sality works hand in glove with Youth Priority to market skin care and weight loss products at exhorbitant prices. They advertise on the internet and via email lists enticing victims with the promise of a sample sent for a handling fee ($4.95 and/or $6.94). A product is then shipped and 15 days later charges for $99.01 and $98.71 appear on the sampler's credit card where only $11.89 was expected. The victim calls only to find that they were subscribed.
The victim is informed that the supposed trial product was actually a month's supply. Though they will canx future shipments/bills, the $99.01 and $98.71 are fait accompli. When the victim says that they will not pay, the company rep offers to reduce the charges by 50%. If that is refused, the company rep then offers to reduce the charges by 75%. Best bet is to cancel any subscription, and notify credit card company of the scam. The power of a Mastercards, or Visa, or whatever is such that the transaction will be voided (will take up to 90 days.