Although this site requires your credit card to establish an account, their terms are unambiguously clear: 'Terms of Use and Privacy By submitting the form above and providing your credit card, you agree to allow a $0.00 charge to verify your age and make sure you are not a registered sex offender. We respect your privacy. This is a private and discreet service and your card will show a $0.00 charge from SafeSolutions Ltd. There are no further costs associated with this service.' This is a direct quote from their homepage. You will immediately receive a charge of $39.99, not from SafeSolutions Ltd as noted above but, from, a firm based in the Caribbean. Please avoid this site and tell others to do the same. Reviews
Although this site requires your credit card to establish an account, their terms are unambiguously clear: 'Terms of Use and Privacy By submitting the form above and providing your credit card, you agree to allow a $0.00 charge to verify your age and make sure you are not a registered sex offender. We respect your privacy. This is a private and discreet service and your card will show a $0.00 charge from SafeSolutions Ltd. There are no further costs associated with this service.' This is a direct quote from their homepage. You will immediately receive a charge of $39.99, not from SafeSolutions Ltd as noted above but, from, a firm based in the Caribbean. Please avoid this site and tell others to do the same.