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Safety Can Express

Country United States
State California
City Sacramento
Address 1625 North Market Blvd.
Phone 1-855-877-4503

Safety Can Express Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Sep 16, 2020

The can opener did not work as advertised & I wished to return it. When Telebrands did not respond to my initial contact via e-mail, I called them.

At first I was told that I had to return it in the origianal packaging with the shipping invoice to the return address on the box. When I said that the item was in its original product box but the shipping box was not available and there had not been an invoice in the box, they gave me a different address & said that they could not provide me with a pre-paid address label as their policy stated.

Also, they would only reimburse the purchase price. I enquired why x2 & the response was the same both times, "I'm sorry but I cannot." I was also told to call them when I had a tracking number to initiate the refund. It cost me 1/3 of the purchase price to return the item.

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